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allow motorcyclists to weave through traffic?


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I do miss some things about Ohio, and although California has some things that wind me up, there is one thing here that Ohio should adopt and that is the ability to weave through slow or moving traffic.

When I first took my motorcycle license back in jolly old England in about 91, my instructor said "wouldn't it be great if a lot more people rode bikes than drive cars, it would really help with the traffic" as In England you can weave in and out too.

It is a good point.

I hit highway CA1 everyday and from seaside to monterey it gets to a stand still yet I glide through no problem and I must say it saves me 20 minutes a day.

I remember 270 at a stand still many a time and in the heat of an Ohio summer it can be torture to just sit in all that gear

Surely Ohio could adopt this law, thoughts?

Of course there are some muppets in cars who are not spacially aware but there are plenty who actively look and move accordingly!!

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Filtering is not specifically addressed in ohio laws. There is a stipulation about no more than 2 motorcycles abreast, but nothing about if a bike can occupy a lane with a car. Most cops will harass you about improper passing.

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Last week I merged onto the highway and it was at a dead stop on US35 near Dayton. I just went onto the BERM and slowly cruised to the next exit (about 1 mile) and went another route. I won't split, but if it's too bad I will slowly cruise on the side of the road to get by. I am NOT sitting there and roasting with a hot engine under my ass.

Yes, lane splitting at speeds of 20mph or below should be allowed in ALL states. It would cut down on congestion on the roadways too.

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Lane splitting I am not a fan of. The idea would be great, if the cages wouldn't be assholes. I have been in traffic and litterally seen people pop there car doors open to stop the bike.

LOL, seems intelligent, now that bike is being reflected towards your un-protected body...

I've never seen this, BUT at 20, i think it can easily be avoided. At this point you put your kickstand down, walk over to the open door, and elbow the driver in the head, then slam the door, lock it, and ride away.

I love lane splitting, i had fun following a cop bike through downtown LA. I know some people get nervous about getting so close to a car, but you get used to it, and realize just how well your bike can fit between things.

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I think it works in cali because people can ride year-round.

Fuckers forget how to drive in the RAIN one week to the next around here, do you expect them to be able to handle a bike runnin through traffic?

I've split E broad st. during rush hour several times and you can piss off a BUNCH of people in a hurry doing that. :p

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Lane splitting I am not a fan of. The idea would be great, if the cages wouldn't be assholes. I have been in traffic and litterally seen people pop there car doors open to stop the bike.

if i seen someone do that, I'd kick them in the face. Thats just ignorant :nono:

opening car doors to stop a bike.

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if i seen someone do that, I'd kick them in the face. Thats just ignorant :nono:

opening car doors to stop a bike.

would you kick someone in the face if they tripped a purse snatcher or beat up a rapist?

stopping something illegal is stopping something illegal. You just don't like it because the rider is the one breaking the law.

you know what it says to me when someone drives on the berm to avoid traffic? "my time is worth more than yours. I am more important than you, and thus the rules don't apply to me."

I call bullshit. Until lane-splitting is legal, follow the traffic rules just like everybody else.

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would you kick someone in the face if they tripped a purse snatcher or beat up a rapist?

stopping something illegal is stopping something illegal. You just don't like it because the rider is the one breaking the law.

you know what it says to me when someone drives on the berm to avoid traffic? "my time is worth more than yours. I am more important than you, and thus the rules don't apply to me."

I call bullshit. Until lane-splitting is legal, follow the traffic rules just like everybody else.

:wtf: That's a completely false equivalency. Causing bodily harm to a motorcyclist abusing a traffic law vs. someone that's already caused harm to another and detaining them. :nono:

By your logic, people should be more diligent performing citizens arrests on speeders. :confused:

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Uhhh, I can totally get down on someone that decides it's their right to escalate a minor misdemeanor traffic offense into a M1 / F4 manslaughter, assault case.

That goes for any citizen or cop. Do you think that's how a cop should handle that situation too?

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I'm not ADVOCATING citizens arrests - but how can you get down on someone for stopping someone else from breaking the law?

where else would this be tolerated?

i know you're saying it is simply illegal, but if you're also trying to push the point that a moving violation should be stopped by a well meaning citizen via felony.... isn't there a law against a "citizen's arrest" for anything that is not a felony? there is a law in ohio that says other than 2 motorcycles riding aboob, 2 vehicles may not share a lane (or something like that) but doing that is not a felony. It MAY be a misdemeanor.

as a lawyer in training and as a reasonable person, does what you're saying make sense? that a person should stop another person from committing a moving violation by murdering them? maybe manslaughter if they were REALLLLLY upset?

and if you're going to go down on fellow bikers for being a little irate at someone opening a door on a moving biker or bicyclist even (cause they would also fit in your description of people who need to be stopped for doing something illegal) at ANY speed for lane splitting, who wouldn't you go down on?

heh heh

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would you kick someone in the face if they tripped a purse snatcher or beat up a rapist?

stopping something illegal is stopping something illegal. You just don't like it because the rider is the one breaking the law.

you know what it says to me when someone drives on the berm to avoid traffic? "my time is worth more than yours. I am more important than you, and thus the rules don't apply to me."

I call bullshit. Until lane-splitting is legal, follow the traffic rules just like everybody else.

hahaha, person in front of you is going 5 mph over? PIT maneuver their ass! Someone missed the trashcan? stab him in the kidney!

riding the berm says to me "I'm in a hurry, I'm not causing you any trouble by doing this, I may get pulled over, but I'm willing to take the risk...mind your own business, or follow me if you'd like, i don't care"

anyways, I was in contact with a few people at the AMA, and they said they have tried a few times to legalize it in Ohio (or at least make the law clear) and all attempts have failed. They told me they had no interest in trying again

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well enjoy your tickets. feeling justified doesn't make lane-splitting legal.

If we ever see you speeding we should shoot out your front tire?

If we ever see your bike illegally parked we should kick it over?

breaking a pointless law justifies people to assault you and damage your property?

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They treat us like cars, we will behave like cars!


"Did you say bikers, if not happy, had to take the metro like everyone else? Fine, let's do it!"



:lol: Damn that's a lot of cycles.


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would you kick someone in the face if they tripped a purse snatcher or beat up a rapist?

stopping something illegal is stopping something illegal. You just don't like it because the rider is the one breaking the law.

you know what it says to me when someone drives on the berm to avoid traffic? "my time is worth more than yours. I am more important than you, and thus the rules don't apply to me."

I call bullshit. Until lane-splitting is legal, follow the traffic rules just like everybody else.

Hahah what? I never said i lane split or anything to the sort. I simply said opening your door to stop someone else is ignorant. And yea id stop someone who STOLE someone else's stuff, but someone whose cutting down on traffic for everyone is good for me, especially if im caging it. so :bigfinger: to you buddy ;)

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There was a video/article somewhere about them wanting to ban lane splitting somewhere in Australia. The bikers demonstrated how much of a back up there would be on the roads if they couldn't lane split. Bikers lane splitting also HELPS 4 wheel vehicles get to their destination faster. Anybody that disagrees will never GET IT. :dunno:

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