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Health Ins. Question


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So i got one of those "This is not a bill but an explanation of benefits" letters. I have a HSA plan and all wellness check are no cost to me. But in the letter they show what the pediatrican billed them and then the repriced amount Ins. payed. The office visit was billed at $115 and repriced by Ins. to $81. So here's the problem...If i take the kid in for being sick i pay full amount out of my HSA account. Now with that they will bust me for $115 bucks for the visit. So why should i be billed and pay 115 but if Ins. is paying they only pay 81. I think i might have to ask the doc. office about this. Am i right or am i totally looking at this the wrong way?

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Anything can be negotiated.

But, why don't you call your insurer and ask this question to get the answer right from the 'horses mouth'? If you don't like what you hear, then I'd talk to your doctors office and see if they'll work with you... after that, I'm out of ideas.

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Thats what i was thinking. It definatly cant hurt. I never really cared how things got payed until the first of the year when i droped my employers plan and picked my own plan. Having this HSA plan i've really changes my thinking on medical expenses and Ins. Gotta be alot more involved.

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That's kinda the goal of the HSA, to get consumers more responsibly spending since it's their own money on the line. I just used mine to pay for my LASIK.

Not an ideal solution for EVERYONE, but if you're not accident prone and generally live a healthy lifestyle, it's better than most other plans out there.

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