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VID: Moto2 race at Jerez (surprised this hasn't been posted yet)


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way to spoil it! lol

i watched this sunday night, man i need to watch Moto2 more often what an exciting race!

i cant help but get a kick out of the end, 1:14 or so black suit yellow helmet running and tripping over his feet...

Edited by natedogg624
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So what happened? Pack slow down after the first crash and there was just too much braking on cold tires?

Side note: I'm so tired of everyone putting that stupid "dreamscape" song on everything on Utube.

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the first bike to go down was leaking oil. The rest fell victim to the first bike's fluids.

not sure exactly how the first guy went down though. If he had low-sided, i would have understood, but it looked like he stood the bike back up and then crashed. maybe locked the front?

and Moto2 is the shit! 40+ bikes on teh grid? yes please. top 20 riders turning lap times within 1 second of each other? hell yes!

I had never heard of Kenny Noyes until that race, but you bet your ass i'm looking him up today. 31 yr old American kickin some ass for the first half of the race! I was hoping he'd podium, but 7th on a grid of 40 ain't too shabby.

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I watched that Moto2 race after SpeedTV completely fucked me out of watching the MotoGP race because they decided to let the fucking NASCAR truck race's rain delay completely overrun the time slot. Seriously, all they showed for the entire hour of the GP race slot was trucks waiting in the pits while teams tried to use oversized blow-dryers on the track. I missed MotoGP for that....:mad:

But anyway, Kenny Noyes did amazing in that race, and he actually led for a while until near the end and started to fall back.

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Everybody is nut-swinging about how fast the 750 is, then all of the sudden they're saying it's the rider and not the bike. Well....no shit!

Yeah, big nutswinging. Fuck that 750...:lol:

I watched that Moto2 race after SpeedTV completely fucked me out of watching the MotoGP race because they decided to let the fucking NASCAR truck race's rain delay completely overrun the time slot. Seriously, all they showed for the entire hour of the GP race slot was trucks waiting in the pits while teams tried to use oversized blow-dryers on the track. I missed MotoGP for that....:mad:

I missed it too because of Nascrap TRUCK racing!! It's bullshit...nobody gives a fuck about watching them dry a track for that circle shit. They should've just went on with the regular scheduled programming.:nono:

BUT! I have the DVR to tape the orginal MotoGP again at 2am Wednesday morning. So hopefully they don't fuck that time slot up too.

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i cant help but get a kick out of the end, 1:14 or so black suit yellow helmet running and tripping over his feet...

If you notice just before that, he gets hit by a sliding bike, hopefully the guy is ok I can imagine why he would fall down.

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Kenny Noyes did amazing in that race, and he actually led for a while until near the end and started to fall back.

I'd like to hear his take on the race - my arm-chair racer instinct says his tires started to lose grip late in the race, but it's just as possible that some of the more experienced guys pulled the pin and started lapping faster with 6 laps remaining.

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If you notice just before that, he gets hit by a sliding bike, hopefully the guy is ok I can imagine why he would fall down.

o i know he got hit, but all that aside and the panic of bikes sliding in your general direction, it was still pretty funny to watch.

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So help me understand racing etiquette a little... who was in the wrong on the first contact.

Inside for not having clearance or outside for not seeing him there? I seem to recall someone saying it's always the passers fault but I dunno.

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rubbin's racin.

the person in front is almost always never at fault (that whole lack of mirrors can't see behind you thing...) the guy who charged hard and mighty was likely at "fault." but if its elias then he's been known to charge pretty hard early (hayden/edwards dealio)

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