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For all you naive liberals who say Obama is native born....


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People dont understand as you say or believe as they would say because the one expert to examine the one circulating the net says its a forgery and the quote below.........

who is this expert? whats his name? where did he say its a forgery?

where is that quote from? source? where is the evidence that he has spent money to cover it up?

i like how you provide zero evidence or sources to back up your bizzare claim.

just like your other post where you leave out key facts.

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who is this expert? whats his name? where did he say its a forgery?

where is that quote from? source? where is the evidence that he has spent money to cover it up?

i like how you provide zero evidence or sources to back up your bizzare claim.

just like your other post where you leave out key facts.

Any simple google search brings up a crap load of articles on the subject, I didnt realize you could be so in the dark that I needed to spoon feed you information that seems to be included every news report you see and is common knowledge.

That being said, the first one floating around out there was said to be a forgery....... it was soon followed by one released by the Obama administration which is in fact real........... but its the short form and does not prove place of birth as has been reported on several news reports.

Pick a news article either liberal or conservative slant and it typically includes the information about Obama spending money to prevent its release. If my quoting multiple sources about this has you demanding proof from me....... well I dont have Obamas reciepts..... sorry.... How about you prove he hasnt????? (they are still sealed after mutiple court challenges, doesn't sound costly, does it?)

And then there is the Kenyan birth certificate that surfaced..... real? forgery? Who knows........ I'm guessing its a forgery..... it adds to the question though and that is what we are debating, right? You said you dont understand why its so hard for people to understand........We all dont view him as an un-questionable savior.

And then there are the reports that he received aid as a student from Indonesia. True? false? who knows for sure since records have not been released.

For the record. I am not a Birther...... I dont have the facts.... I do understand their frustration and do not see why.... if you have nothing to hide........ why dont you release your records.

Then there are the questions surrounding Obama's attendance at Columbia University. Its funny how several people who attended at the same time, same political science major........ never met him, never heard of him.......... Hmmmmmmm....... Now that I think about it I can see how when you add all that stuff up......... it would be "bizarre" to be suspicious......... well if you cant add........

I'll toss you a link anyway ......


OMG..... its from fox.....:rolleyes: Oh the fear.......

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Did you know Rod38um allegedly helped Glenn Beck rape and murder a girl in 1990?

Obama and friends could feed some of you guys a shit sandwich and you would defend it as being nutritious and tasty to your death. :D

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Obama and friends could feed some of you guys a shit sandwich and you would defend it as being nutritious and tasty to your death. :D

I HATE Obobo and his Barackracy but lets make attacks on him that actually make sense. BS about his birthplace is just retarded and pretty much says "Hey, I know nothing about the issues at hand but I wanna attack him like everyone else" Fear mongers

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How come you just won't post your tax records from 1990 to prove you didn't financially gain from Glenn Beck allegedly raping and murdering a girl? What do you have to hide?

This comparison that you have made up with the enthusiasm of a child is not even in the same ball park.

Glen beck is not running for the presidency of the United States. Candidates typically always release school records, tax records, birth records usually arent questioned until now.

Not responding to false accusations is fine, spending a small fortune to keep something hidden is quite a different matter. Especially if you are representing the public. People have a right to know a little bit about someone who is supposed to be representing them.

If someone as divisive a Glen Beck were to be elected as President and the same questions were swirling around the net......... I'm sure you would be on here defending his every position????? LOL

In your child like attempt to defend him, you've lost sight of the fact that I am not attacking him. Simply pointing out why people feel the way they do because as John said....... "he doesnt know why its so hard for people to understand" I pointed to a few reasons........... and that obviously rubs those of you who think of him as their Messiah the wrong way.

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In your child like attempt to defend him, you've lost sight of the fact that I am not attacking him. Simply pointing out why people feel the way they do because as John said....... "he doesnt know why its so hard for people to understand" I pointed to a few reasons........... and that obviously rubs those of you who think of him as their Messiah the wrong way.

:lol: "child like attempt to defend him"

Who's defending what now? I'm just saying your argument is ridiculously ignorant. I said nothing about Obama. So, if you're allowed to make fanatical claims, I'll just go over-the-top until you realize how ridiculous it really is.

Just like how you flip-flop on your stance -- first you say

For the record. I am not a Birther...... I dont have the facts.... I do understand their frustration and do not see why.... if you have nothing to hide........ why dont you release your records.

Then it's...

Not responding to false accusations is fine, spending a small fortune to keep something hidden is quite a different matter. Especially if you are representing the public.

:rolleyes: And you fully admit you don't have the facts... yet you're more than willing to make your argument based on the facts you don't have. Where is this fortune Obama spent on hiding records? Probably the same fortune you spent keeping it hidden that you helped Glenn Beck allegedly rape and murder a girl in 1990.

Ridiculously ignorant - like I said.

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If you would take the time to read instead of assume, You would understand that I am not making claims. I am not making an argument. I am simply pointing out how people feel the way they do........ the news reports are there..........People form opinions based on news reports. I suppose your opinions are only based on evidence you hold in your hand.........BS

It is you sir, who who remains willfully ignorant

Continue on with your eyes and ears blissfully closed to anything that contradicts your own opinion.........

Thats how the term "sheeple" came about..........

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What "news" reports? The news is reporting on other peoples opinions. That doesn't make it fact.

I bet if a "scientist" went on the news claiming the world was flat, they'd report that too. Not because it's fact, but because it gets ratings. :rolleyes:

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BS about his birthplace is just retarded and pretty much says "Hey, I know nothing about the issues at hand but I wanna attack him like everyone else" Fear mongers

Ummmm.... Yeeeaahh..... You should know me a little better than that. I thought the video byte of Michelle's comment was quite "interesting"

Taken out of context, or Freudian slip? Either way.... You can't deny she said it. That is fact.... Not fear mongering

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Really Fonz, "interesting"?

I know exactly what she was doing... using heritage to gain political points. If I'm speaking at Oktoberfest, I might mention my German roots to gain some points with the crowd even though I'm born and raised as an American. I draw the line at sauerkraut though - I won't touch that stuff.

Edited by JRMMiii
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What "news" reports? The news is reporting on other peoples opinions. That doesn't make it fact.


Oh, I get it now. News reports on controversy and investigations have nothing to do with shaping public opinion.:rolleyes:

But the great JRMMiii is all knowing and only forms his opinions on facts and never on news, opinion of others, emotion........... Your right up there with the magic 8 ball....:rolleyes:

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the earth is only 6000 years old lol.

Yeah, the earth was created shortly after the invention of the plow, thank god, he came up with some stuff for us to plow with our new invention...earth

Ummmm.... Yeeeaahh..... You should know me a little better than that. I thought the video byte of Michelle's comment was quite "interesting"

Taken out of context, or Freudian slip? Either way.... You can't deny she said it. That is fact.... Not fear mongering

Really Fonz, "interesting"?

I know exactly what she was doing... using heritage to gain political points. If I'm speaking at Oktoberfest, I might mention my German roots to gain some points with the crowd even though I'm born and raised as an American.

I think it's more of an attempt to "appeal to the crowd" as jrm suggested...

Unless you also think obama is a muslim... :dunno:


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