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For all you naive liberals who say Obama is native born....


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:rolleyes: You have a weak argument and resort to immature mockery. And I'm "child-like". Got it.

Look --

Show me CREDIBLE proof of anything you're saying...

Saying "Just read it, it's EVERYWHERE" isn't a valid rebuttal. I've never written a report for any high school teacher or college professor where I said, "It's YOUR job to go find for sources that back up my opinion - they're EVERYWHERE, you're bound to run into them if you look"

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Ummmm.... Yeeeaahh..... You should know me a little better than that. I thought the video byte of Michelle's comment was quite "interesting"

Taken out of context, or Freudian slip? Either way.... You can't deny she said it. That is fact.... Not fear mongering

I wasn't responding to the original post. Didn't watch the video cuz frankly I dont care. Video's like that remind me of the pic of Obobo checking out the chix ass as she walked by

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It would have to be an idiot who insists he's in an argument with me even though I have not argued........... "Child like"......... Well sometimes you just have to call em like you see em. I have repeatedly told you I am not arguing a case, I simply have shown why people think what they do. You insist I'm arguing despite my saying otherwise several times. Either you are intellectually challenged or you only comprehend the portions of text that irritate you. I could have just as easily presented reasons why your side thinks the way they do......... but I really dont believe in anything the liberals stand for so...............

Grow up man! At least try to act your age.

I'm done wasting my time with your nonsense

Edited by Rod38um
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Look, most everyone on here is all butthurt trying to define "facts". Here are some.

Obama was born in Hawaii. He submitted a complete and certified birth certificate attesting to this fact.

Obama was not born in Kenya, despite many, many half-assed forgeries to the contrary. This is impossible, since he was born in Hawaii.

Why is this so fucking hard for people to understand? There's no ambiguity here, just a piece of paper certified by the State of Hawaii stating that yes, this guy was born in this state on this day.

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Any simple google search brings up a crap load of articles on the subject, I didnt realize you could be so in the dark that I needed to spoon feed you information that seems to be included every news report you see and is common knowledge.

That being said, the first one floating around out there was said to be a forgery...

Citation please. A reputable, non-blogger, non-Orly Taitz citation please.

... it was soon followed by one released by the Obama administration which is in fact real...
And your argument/point has been made. If you believe it's real, then why the hell are you arguing further?
... but its the short form and does not prove place of birth as has been reported on several news reports.
I'll give you a hint: IT'S OAHU. You know where I got that little nugget of info from? The birth certificate you've previously determined is real and factual.
Pick a news article either liberal or conservative slant and it typically includes the information about Obama spending money to prevent its release.

Name 3. Previous citation rules apply.
If my quoting multiple sources about this has you demanding proof from me...

The only person I've seen you quote so far is yourself. We have a term for that, it's called an echo chamber.
.... well I dont have Obamas reciepts..... sorry.... How about you prove he hasnt????? (they are still sealed after mutiple court challenges, doesn't sound costly, does it?)

Ah, now this makes sense. You're new to arguing. I'll go nice and slow then. You see, when you make an opinionated statement , it is expected that you have a factual basis for making such a statement. When you are asked to support your positive statement, asking someone to prove their negative statement cheapens or outright destroys your argument.
And then there is the Kenyan birth certificate that surfaced..... real? forgery?

Forgery. You already agreed that the Hawaii one is real.

Who knows........ I'm guessing its a forgery...

And now the only person you're arguing with is yourself.
... it adds to the question though and that is what we are debating, right? You said you dont understand why its so hard for people to understand........We all dont view him as an un-questionable savior.

No. You're debating a false question with yourself. WE (with notable exceptions) understand things like facts, opinion, and proper argumentation. You are the interweb equivalent of someone huddled into a corner carrying on a conversation with no one else in the room.

And then there are the reports that he received aid as a student from Indonesia. True? false? who knows for sure since records have not been released.

Focus on one argument, you're doing a bad enough job as it is.

For the record. I am not a Birther...

Yes, you are. This is the entire crux of their argument, which you have parroted almost verbatim.

... I dont have the facts...

You had them for a minute, then they got lost in the tsunami of troof.

... I do understand their frustration and do not see why.... if you have nothing to hide........ why dont you release your records.

He did. You acknowledged it.

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm right.

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Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, hate me because I'm right.

I'll be darned...... another liberal that either cant read, cant comprehend or........... oh hell........... waste of my time to keep repeating the same thing over and over when the blind followers keep their eyes and ears closed............ unbelievable!

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I'll be darned...... another liberal that either cant read, cant comprehend or........... oh hell........... waste of my time to keep repeating the same thing over and over when the blind followers keep their eyes and ears closed............ unbelievable!

Please explain to me where in my post I identified myself as a liberal. Don't worry, I'll wait.

Now, out of that novella of a post where I eviscerated your arguments, the last line is the only thing you can rebut? You realize that in a civilized debate like we're having, it's OK to realize and admit that you may be on the wrong end of an argument?

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For the record. I am not a Birther...... I dont have the facts.... I do understand their frustration and do not see why.... if you have nothing to hide........ why dont you release your records.

For the record, I'm not one of those flat earthers, but I understand their concerns. If the earth were round, why don't you fall off when you are on the bottom?

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For the record, I'm not one of those flat earthers, but I understand their concerns. If the earth were round, why don't you fall off when you are on the bottom?

I've never seen a bike go faster than 100 mph, therefore no bike can go faster than 100 mph

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Now, out of that novella of a post where I eviscerated your arguments

If you had taken the time to read the posts before responding you may have posted something intelligent. But I guess thats the best we can expect........

Go back and read.......... LMAO

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