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Dear Dweezel...


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if you look at the shoutbox from earlier today. kawi rides a "black magic women" as i recall ninjanick rode what?? oh yea a BLACK BIKE. and as most men do they refer to their bikes as women, so mabe it is a coincidence or somethin like it, but just seems kinda similar to me.

can i join the shitty-pedro detective club yet?

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what did you expect?? why didn't you just call his mom and tell her? grow the fuck up and be a man about it. if you don't like something he is doing call him out on it. maybe he has a different way of life than you.

WTF are you talking about son? I did. This time I had fun speaking the reality of him. But it's over now, quit feeding the fire. :nono::beating::cool:

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There is no conspiracy. I saw groups of people arguing about silly shit. Kawi then told me who he really was. So I then told him to stop the silly shit because it ruins the boards. I also told him that if he wanted to get "unbanned" he needed to have a conversation with Satan. Nobody wants to join a riding group that contains adults acting like fucking 12 year olds. Go back and read all the fucking bickering. Its fucking retarded. This is a site for RIDERS. Its NOT going to be about 2 or 3 people BITCHING to each other. This isn't a fucking beauty salon!!!!

We're adults... FUCKING ACT LIKE IT.

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:lol: thats great! I used to love pinky and the brain :badgerrock:

I can't even lie about that one. I watched that show religiously as a kid. It was great, every day I used to wonder "is this the day they finally take over." F*ckers disappointed me each time...

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