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Schmuck and MattKatz banter


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On behalf of Jews everywhere, since I'm 50%

50%........ pfffffffftttttt. Not nearly qualified enough to speak for me. A person must be at least 75% to rep for me unless there black or Latino then lower percentages will be looked at

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And for you people offended by the word Jew....GTF over it.

Seriously....This is 2010....Thicken your skin a bit, loosen up, and have a good time.

Now carry on with the half jew speak.

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50%........ pfffffffftttttt. Not nearly qualified enough to speak for me. A person must be at least 75% to rep for me unless there black or Latino then lower percentages will be looked at

Yeah, but my 50% Jew is pure Wild Middle Eastern Jew, not the North American Domesticated. It's like an africanized honey bee, see? Call me a dirty Jooo, and I'll ram a sheckle up your tuchas.

Unfortunately, the other half of me is German, so the inner conflict can be quite overwhelming. Imagine the mix of pride and self-loathing, being drawn to kosher and scat porn, passing an oven without the compulsion to throw myself in...

Anywho, I still like to speak for my chosen people....cause most of them are kinda faggy you gotta admit. Ain't no Jewish MMA badass, or an NFL lineman, all we got is Seinfeld and Adam Sandler. Ugh.

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Yeah, but my 50% Jew is pure Wild Middle Eastern Jew, not the North American Domesticated. It's like an africanized honey bee, see? Call me a dirty Jooo, and I'll ram a sheckle up your tuchas.

Unfortunately, the other half of me is German, so the inner conflict can be quite overwhelming. Imagine the mix of pride and self-loathing, being drawn to kosher and scat porn, passing an oven without the compulsion to throw myself in...

Anywho, I still like to speak for my chosen people....cause most of them are kinda faggy you gotta admit. Ain't no Jewish MMA badass, or an NFL lineman, all we got is Seinfeld and Adam Sandler. Ugh.


This post is win.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im crushed

Personally I couldn't give a fuck what you are. I know this forum is all about fun but even so I would not degrade myself to religious and ethical slurs to get a point across. Mom raised me better than that. To bad yours didn't.

I just noticed your Avatar comment......"You show me hatred and I'll show you fear" .... Thats funny coming from someone who uses slurs like you.

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All that I can say is that I have very little respect for you or anyone who still says shit like " you tried to Jew me down". Have a little respect for the people around you.
Im crushed

Yeah Shmuck, you should have said, "you tried to NO_RACIAL_SLURS me down" you big meanie.

BTW, can I borrow that big pointy white hat I saw at your house? :D

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This is the "Ranting and Raving" section which is clearly defined as:

This is the junk box. Flame wars, off topic posts/threads, misc ranting, etc goes here. If you're easily offended, stay out.
If it doesn't break the rules or annoy the mods/admins, it's fair game. Racial slurs DO break the rules, although religious slurs do not. My justification for this is simple: I don't give a fuck if you worship horse shit, but all people are equal.

If you don't want to banter about politics, religion, or what color panties your mom is wearing, then don't read this section. It doesn't show up on the front page for this sole reason. If you're offended by this stuff, simply don't read this section.

With that said, I'm killing this thread. It's lived long enough.

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