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Remember the REAL reason for Memorial Day


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Yes, please remember those that have served and those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our way of life. I would urge everyone to take a few minutes to reflect on this tomorrow. If you see a veteran or someone in uniform shake their hand and thank them, but this should be done everyday.

To my fellow troopers of the 1st Squadron 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment that gave their life in Iraq, you will never be forgotten. It has been my honor to serve with you. Thank you.


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^ ^ That's why I didn't put "Happy" in my thread title.... I think people forget, because Madison Ave.'s done such a good job of ingraining us to think it's nothing but cookouts.... This isn't a "happy" holiday....


"I hope I get home to you & Mommy soon, & don't forget me..... Love Always, Daddy"

^ ^ This has gotta suucccccck!

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