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confederate flag: honorable symbol, or blatant slap in the face to veterans?


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It's the most popular flag of the Confederate forces following the civil war, but it's not the original confederate flag, nor is it originally a flag of the Confederate Army. It bears resemblance to a Confederate Naval Jack, and most commonly is seen as the battle flag of the Army of Virginia. (A battle flag identifies a particular unit on the battlefield.)

In other words, it's not actually a flag representing all of the Confederate States.

If some one put up this First Confederate flag, people would just think it was something American and historical. Well, it is...

And a note: There is absolutely nothing wrong with displaying a military unit's battle flags and colors at a memorial or location of a historical battle. It represents and honors the men and women that fought, regardless of which side they fought on.

First Confederate flag (five to thirteen stars)


Second Confederate flag


Third Confederate flag


Battle flag of the Confederacy


Sovereignty or Secession Flag


The Second Confederate Navy Jack, 1863–1865


Which is now The "Confederate Flag", a rectangular variant of the Battle Flag.


A rectangular variant of the battle flag used by some Confederate Army Units, now called "The Confederate Flag" or "The Confederate Battle Flag", despite its never having historically represented the CSA as a nation, has become a widely recognized symbol of the South. It is also called the "rebel", or "Dixie" flag, and is often incorrectly referred to as the "Stars and Bars" (the actual "Stars and Bars" is the First National Flag, which used an entirely different design).
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I think in this area, most people think redneck when they see it but further south the meaning is more along the lines of the rebellious spirit that "We the people" wont be held down by a tyranical government. It is the spirit that has made this country great. The slave issue didnt come to the forefront until Lincoln used the Emancipation Proclamation to turn a large portion of the population against the south from within (the slaves) it was a brilliant strategic move on his part.

I dont fly it..... but I understand why many do.....

That................is a total bunch of BS.

The "slave issue" was present at the very beginning of the country. In the original Declaration of Independence (Thats correct, if you want to see the original DOI, don't go to the Archives, go to the Library of Congress) there was a line that said "he has waged cruel war" that was hotly debated before Jly 4th. The Southern States would not sign until it was removed...

Then you had the Dredd Scott case in the 1840's....Uncle Tom's Cabin in the mid 1850's and finally Harper's Ferry on the eve of war. Slavery was on everyones mind from 1776 - 1865.

The Emancipation Proclamation DID NOT FREE A SINGLE SLAVE. The slaves freed themselves.

People who fly the Confederate Battle flag are simply attention starved and uneducated. The flag is a pure symbol of FAIL

more along the lines of the rebellious spirit that "We the people" wont be held down by a tyranical government. It is the spirit that has made this country great.

That would be "Old Glory", The Stars and Stripes.........the spirit of 76............not the cruel, inbred, hypocritical, failed experiment that was the Confederacy and it's flag.


In case anyone was interested, "Dixie", the anthem of the Confederacy..........was written by Daniel Emmet........from Mt Vernon, Ohio.

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Lincoln needed the rest of the northern states to fight the Confederacy. He only got all of them when he said he would abolish slavery. He didn't give two rat farts about the slaves until they could be used to further his complete anal fracking of the Constitution.

Like it' date=' or not... Lincoln did not give a shit about slaves. They were political pawns.[/quote']

You're such a racist

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Lincoln needed the rest of the northern states to fight the Confederacy. He only got all of them when he said he would abolish slavery. He didn't give two rat farts about the slaves until they could be used to further his complete anal fracking of the Constitution.

Like it' date=' or not... Lincoln did not give a shit about slaves. They were political pawns.[/quote']


The Emancipation Proclamation was incredibly unpopular in ALL of the Northern States.

It was only AFTER the "victory" at Antietam that he was able to do it, and even then, his administration thought it would cost him re-election.

Lincoln was anti-slavery.........thats why days after he was elected, half the country seceeded.........

Lincoln's primary goal at the outset of the war to save the country, but he was always anti-slavery.

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I agree with the confederate idea of less federal control and wished they would have won their right to secede but they didn't and all I see when I see that flag is LOSER. I can find no honor in flying a flag that symbolizes the losing side of a conflict.


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Ok' date=' Bud. Whatever you have to tell yourself. :rolleyes:[/quote']

Ok, my bad, didn't mean to hurt your feelings, gues I should ask for my money back from The Ohio State University, where I got my degree in Military History.

Or, you can call TOSU history department and ask for Mark Grimsley......he was my Civil War professor.....maybe you can give him some of your extensive Civil War knowledge

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Sorry, this is the only come-back I could find to counter your eloquent historical analysis...


Since July 2008, he has been a visiting professor at the U.S. Army War College, where he holds the Harold Keith Johnson Chair of Military History. He returns to Ohio State in July 2010.

What non "piece of shit" school did you attend with a Professor with better credentials?

I'm sorry, how did you formulate your opinion again? Maybe you could post the book you read that backs up your hypothesis? I am always up for a good read?

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Living in the south my entire life, I've seen the flag flying in many states for many reasons.

There are some racist shit bags that fly it as a symbol of hate.

There are many that fly the flag to represent their heritage.

Like someone else had mentioned, some fly the flag as a symbol of being rebelious.

South Carolina even flies it at the state capital building.

I wouldn't fly the flag because it's not my thing..... But like someone else said, I'm just happy that I have the right to fly it if I did wish to.

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South Carolina even flies it at the state capital building.

used to, I believe they took it down a few years ago but if there isn't a change in the White House in 2012 you can bet your ass it'll be back up :lol:

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It appears that no matter what my opinion is it becomes invalid because I'm black.

You can't have a big dick and expect people to take you seriously at the same time. It's one of the other.

He is a sidecar jockey not a porch monkey.

Call him a sidecar monkey and split the difference.

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It's only racist if you have a small dick and people don't take you seriously.

Wait a minute..

We all know why you fly the Confederate flag, you racist fuck. One day I hope you realize that its wrong to hate people because they have darker skin than you

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