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Walk-In for MSF/BRC


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With all the BRC classes close to me full, I'm going to try to walk in to one of the Columbus/Broad Street classes. I saw a couple of posts by people who took a MSF class as a walk-in, but I'm wondering:

1. Is it common or uncommon to make it into a class as a walk-in?

2. Would arriving 30 minutes before a class to get on the walk-in list generally be early enough?

Thanks for the insight.

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totally common to walk in, My class there where 3 people who where late, three people just happen to be in the room and got very lucky.. JUST BE ON TIME or early!!

the earlier the better i was more than 30 mins early.. (im always early, its a peve of mine) :D

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I just took mine 2 weeks ago. Everyone who was waiting got in. Bring $25 exactly, your regular DL and your temps. Powering through the first (classroom) day will be the hardest, there's only so much video watching and highlighting I can take.

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I arrived as walk-in for the last MSF class of the season at Delaware one year. There were 6 total walk-ins waiting hopefully.

When the class time arrived they announced 3 open spots and did a lottery, ignoring arrival time (annoying, as I arrived first). Conicidentally, I got the first walk-in slot anyway.

As I was filling out the paperwork and the time was 5 mins past class start a guy arrived and said he had a reservation, but the instructor reminded him of the big red stamp on his paperwork that basically said "If you are one minute late your spot will be given to a walk-in". He persisted, arguing he'd been on the wait list for 6 months, and this was the last class of the year. (I had only heard about the MSF class earler that afternoon!) No sympathy from the instructor, he was asked to leave.

So I walked over and was going to give up my walk-in space so he could have his slot back. It was only fair, he'd been waiting etc. But then the guy got real nasty and belligerant, yelling a swearing at the instructor. They had to threaten calling the police on him before he left, causing a massive scene on the way out. While he was screaming and shouting I, of course, had no desire to identify myself as the man who took his spot in the class, so I kept my mouth shut. When he left I took my seat and the class started.

If the guy had been more level-headed about it he'd have got his space back. A lesson that he unfortunately gave himself no opportunity to learn.

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As an instructor who teaches there, I can attest that the lottery system is in place at the Broad Street location. Just be there 5-10 minutes before the class starts. Most instructors prefer a check (would you trust a stranger with your $25.00 cash?) Having your temps is not mandatory for the classroom, but you MUST have them by the time range activities begin on the weekend. It is true that minors get first prioirity if there is an open spot. I know that there will be at least one student who won't show up for his scheduled class on 6-15, 19, & 20. Best of luck.

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My class had one wreck - the instructor was demonstrating cornering technique and lowsided when he hit a slick spot. The spot was invisible to the eye but you could feel it when you scriubbed the tarmac with your boots. That's the risk of doing the training in a parking lot where cars are parked pissing oil and coolant the rest of the week.

He wasn't hurt, but he was quite embarrased.

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I guess I've been lucky but I've only taught a dozen classes so far. I've had a few crash-happy students but no injuries. Most of the time when people have crashed on the range it's due to braking while turning/leaning. It's an honest enough mistake for newbies. As far as late students in the classroom, I heard about the total meltdown in Delaware but haven't had a problem yet. When I am in the classroom, I am the dude looking out at the parking lot at 5:59 to see if a straggler is coming. ALL of us are fanatical about being on time.

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I'll do ya one better Scruit: I took a class about 7 years ago with an Ohio Chief instructor teaching. This guy is an excellent rider with probably 300000 plus miles under his belt. He locked up the front brake as he demo'd the quick stop and literally stepped off the bike as it crashed. It was awesome! He picked up the bike and did it again to perfection. No shame or embarassment, just an excellent instructor who stayed focused on the goal of teaching people how to ride. Tons of respect for the man!

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My class had one wreck - the instructor was demonstrating cornering technique and lowsided when he hit a slick spot. The spot was invisible to the eye but you could feel it when you scriubbed the tarmac with your boots. That's the risk of doing the training in a parking lot where cars are parked pissing oil and coolant the rest of the week.

He wasn't hurt, but he was quite embarrased.

thats the funniest one I ever heard at an MSF yet. :)

probably cold tires more than anything else :cool:

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