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First unaided tickets, now this...


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Everything should be criminal instead of civil. Loser (plaintiff or defendant) goes to jail. Sounds good to me.

Oh wait, we can't do that. Practicing law wouldn't be such a lucrative profession, and we'd have fewer lawyers.

Never mind.

that's not it at all. If i bad-mouth your business and they send me to jail for it, where does that leave you? You're no better off than before.

the principal of civil suits is to make the victim whole again. In the absence of the ability to undo the damage, a monetary reward is substituted. You don't think that's appropriate?

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the principal of civil suits is to make the victim whole again. In the absence of the ability to undo the damage, a monetary reward is substituted. You don't think that's appropriate?

Make the victim "whole" again? Are you fucking kidding me???

It's all about putting money in someone's pocket and making the attorneys wealthy.

Everyone but the lawyers LOSE in a civil suit, regardless of who "wins" on paper.

Jury awards are ridiculous these days - for everything from medical malpractice to product liability. Because of this, insurance rates in those categories are through the roof. EVERYTHING you touch costs more because of it.

Appropriate? Hardly.

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