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Strickland endorsed by NRA

Uncle Punk

Kasich or Strickland?  

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  1. 1. Kasich or Strickland?

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    • Strickland
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umm no. from nixons EPA to reagans "war on drugs" to the bush I and bush II's "war on terror" and the pushing limits on the authority of the executive branch and homeland security beaurocracies.

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umm no. from nixons EPA to reagans "war on drugs" to the bush I and bush II's "war on terror" and the pushing limits on the authority of the executive branch and homeland security beaurocracies.

Interesting little cartoon.

Maybe you should go back a re-read how our government works.

Last time I checked, Congress controls the purse, not the President. If you look at which party controlled congress during the dramatic increases in the debt, you'll have your answer as to who does the spending.

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wow. maybe YOU should go back and learn how the government works. last time i checked the president had powers of veto and influence and holds as much authority as congress.

is there nothing your stupid party can do wrong? "they really really wanted to do what they said but those darn other guys wouldnt let them." :rolleyes:

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there what is? i'll say that to anyone spouting bullshit. you're just so indulged into political theater brainwashing you cant see anything else.

and FYI from 81-87 senate was controlled by republicans

2001-2006 republicans controlled both

so, no excuses why there were records set. especially seeing as congress had dems 5 for decades prior. but hey keep buying into bullshit. a fool is cool after all.

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last time i checked the president had powers of veto and influence and holds as much authority as congress./

Guess you better check again.

The power of the veto would be great - if it were the line-item veto like most states governors have. Sadly, the President often has to pass a shit load of pork packed into a bill that isnt related to the spirit of the legislation at all.

is there nothing your stupid party can do wrong? "they really really wanted to do what they said but those darn other guys wouldnt let them." :rolleyes:

Someone needs to adjust their meds.

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last time i checked the president had powers of veto and influence and holds as much authority as congress./

Guess you better check again.

The power of the veto would be great - if it were the line-item veto like most states governors have. Sadly, the President often has to pass a shit load of pork packed into a bill that isnt related to the spirit of the legislation at all.

really? you think pork is something new and that it accounts for that much new spending? seriously? and it just started happening under reagan for some mysterious reason? pork is generally in the range of 1-2% of the budget, fyi. not 300%+ as the debt would suggest.

no matter the mumbo jumbo every single one raises debt everytime. fiscal responsability means balancing the budget. not cutting taxes (popular) and continuing spending (popular).

just like every democrat thinks all the countries ills are caused solely by the other guys.

smart enough to kinda understand a little bit to keep you interested, but dumb enough not to realise the game...

Someone needs to adjust their meds.

nuh uh my teams awesome, perfect and and special.

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