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Anyone surprised by this? Not me...


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Seems like Obama sure seized the opportunity to jump on his soap box and push the energy reform on this one.

I agree completely, and it kinda pisses me off. Soapbox later, fix problems now.

I'm beginning to think there may be a conspiracy going on.


Now you're being an idiot. Stop watching reruns of 24.

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I agree completely, and it kinda pisses me off. Soapbox later, fix problems now.

Now you're being an idiot. Stop watching reruns of 24.

Think about it. Douche Obama gets voted in on "change" and hasn't changed anything for the better since he's been in office. The only thing he's changed is how little the American public approves of his bullshit. He has successfully spent more money in his time in office than our last moronic president did in both his terms (no link to site at the moment, sorry). He's a fucking idiot. Let's talk about what we're going to do to try an push the Go Green bullshit before we even fix what is immediately causing a HUGE FUCKING problem RIGHT NOW.

Don't watch 24. Just think Obama is the Anti-Christ.

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Think about it. Douche Obama gets voted in on "change" and hasn't changed anything for the better since he's been in office. The only thing he's changed is how little the American public approves of his bullshit. He has successfully spent more money in his time in office than our last moronic president did in both his terms (no link to site at the moment, sorry). He's a fucking idiot. Let's talk about what we're going to do to try an push the Go Green bullshit before we even fix what is immediately causing a HUGE FUCKING problem RIGHT NOW.

Don't watch 24. Just think Obama is the Anti-Christ.

i love impotent rage. Goes great with my english muffin.

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Are you saying we DON'T need to end our dependence on a finite energy resource, like oil?

Pull your head of the party's ass for just a second, comrade.

There is no doubt that something can and should be done to reduce our country's dependence on oil, however, using this crisis to try to sell cap and trade as the BEST move we can make is pure bullshit.

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Are you saying we DON'T need to end our dependence on a finite energy resource, like oil?

We absolutely need to end our dependence on oil. Since the price of gasoline has gone back down, the importance has seemed to drop quite a bit. Everyone is living in the right now, instead of thinking of the future. It's not going to hurt them, why worry about it. Gas prices are lower, why worry about it now.

In the meantime, I think we need to continue exploring, and drilling for more DOMESTIC oil, instead of relying on the huge amounts of foreign oil that we BUY.

In the meantime, it is extremely important that we as a country keep pushing to reduce oil usage.

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Pull your head of the party's ass for just a second, comrade.

There is no doubt that something can and should be done to reduce our country's dependence on oil, however, using this crisis to try to sell cap and trade as the BEST move we can make is pure bullshit.

I agree with this.

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Are you saying we DON'T need to end our dependence on a finite energy resource, like oil?

They just issued a memo at my work, it seems that we have a large number of really smart people working on ways to reduce oil usage.

Actually OSUMJ is busy right now working on a technology that will increase MPG on motor vehicles and many other applications. I dont think she is waiting on Obama to give the go ahead they just have more work to do

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We absolutely need to end our dependence on oil. Since the price of gasoline has gone back down, the importance has seemed to drop quite a bit. Everyone is living in the right now, instead of thinking of the future. It's not going to hurt them, why worry about it. Gas prices are lower, why worry about it now.

Speaking of conspiracy theories and "coincidences", I really have a hard time believing that Big Oil suddenly decided to be charitable and lower gas prices, especially given all the geopolitical stuff going on that they've used as "ammo" previously to give us the high hard one. I believe they understand this is a game changer, and to attempt to offset the impact they are lowering gas prices to keep the crowd from escalating from "impotent rage" to "sniping at CEO's".

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Speaking of conspiracy theories and "coincidences", I really have a hard time believing that Big Oil suddenly decided to be charitable and lower gas prices, especially given all the geopolitical stuff going on that they've used as "ammo" previously to give us the high hard one. I believe they understand this is a game changer, and to attempt to offset the impact they are lowering gas prices to keep the crowd from escalating from "impotent rage" to "sniping at CEO's".

Well said. I wholeheartedly believe that gas/oil prices are NOT even remotely related to supply vs. demand. There's something else at play there, and it's not the futures market, or anything that the general population will likely ever know.

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Well said. I wholeheartedly believe that gas/oil prices are NOT even remotely related to supply vs. demand.

All the proof you needed for that was last year. Futures traders and speculators parked DOZENS of fully loaded supertankers in international waters, betting that the per barrel price of oil would rebound enough to make it worth it.

There's something else at play there, and it's not the futures market, or anything that the general population will likely ever know.

My money's on the speculators, as it always has been. This particular iteration I think is more motivated by personal self-interest on Oil's part, but the larger picture's been ruled by speculators.

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