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Blame it on Bush!


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"Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:14 AM MST"

Glad we're keeping up-to-date. I think I've seen that already. But, as you all know well enough from my posts on here... any blowhard can have an opinion on the internet. Too bad this guy doesn't cite anything.

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"Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:14 AM MST"

Glad we're keeping up-to-date. I think I've seen that already. But, as you all know well enough from my posts on here... any blowhard can have an opinion on the internet. Too bad this guy doesn't cite anything.


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"Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:14 AM MST"

Glad we're keeping up-to-date. I think I've seen that already. But, as you all know well enough from my posts on here... any blowhard can have an opinion on the internet. Too bad this guy doesn't cite anything.

:confused: I already beat Casper to it...

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"Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:14 AM MST"

Glad we're keeping up-to-date. I think I've seen that already. But, as you all know well enough from my posts on here... any blowhard can have an opinion on the internet. Too bad this guy doesn't cite anything.

I didnt realize that I had to stay up to date. But since we are... Lets leave Bush out of politics huh? Some Democrats have managed to blame Bush for the BP spill... Impressive!

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I didnt realize that I had to stay up to date. But since we are... Lets leave Bush out of politics huh? Some Democrats have managed to blame Bush for the BP spill... Impressive!

Moar impressive... Some Republicans blame Clinton....

Dick Morris: You Know Who's To Blame For BP Oil Disaster? Bill Clinton

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Moar impressive... Some Republicans blame Clinton....

Dick Morris: You Know Who's To Blame For BP Oil Disaster? Bill Clinton

I'm sorry, is Dick Morris a politician in DC? But this pesky um... Whats her name... Oh ya, Pelosi. I think she is something in DC. And this Dodd guy... He used to be... Anyways, I am going to go back to Fox Bottin it. Later!

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Democrats suck as a whole too. :D

so do republicans. both parties suck a fat dick.

if you think that the republicans are going to get voted in and save the country, then you are just as fucking stupid as the people who thought obama was going to save the world once he got elected.

BOTH parties are total shit. NETIHER of them care about the people. unless you make a billion dollars, then they care because you are a member of their club. otherwise, fuck off. the ONLY interests of either party is to get in power and stay there as long as they can, and stack as much $$$ as you can.

a candidate will never change the system. you go to washington with all these ideals, but once you get there, the system changes you, and you start to line your pockets just like everyone else.

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