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Now im pissed..


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At work, my manager just told me of a new corporate policy for my dept.

he said no more games, and what he referred to as "blogging"-meaning no more forums for me when I am at work.

he said "no communication to anyone outside of the bank"

This is fucking stupid. It's not like I'm slacking at work because of this.

When I am busy and working, I dont go on the forums, its just when I have downtime, to kill time.

I need a new job.

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Whether whether that was a jab at me or not, I don't know, it's just the fact that they have been taking away ALOT of our freedoms lately here at work. Now it seems like im expected to just sit here and fucking stare at my monitor when I don't have something to fix?

I see it as a good way to relieve a little bit of stress throughout the day, talk about my motorcycle hobby with others.

I really dont want to talk computers all day long.

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I see it as a good way to relieve a little bit of stress throughout the day, talk about my motorcycle hobby with others.

I really dont want to talk computers all day long.

i know what you mean!! if they would let me surf O.R. while driving the semi i would prob not run as many cars off the road or try to hit amish children when i get all stresssed. those little bastards are quick like rabbits :nono:


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I do plenty of work, departmentally speaking, I am above average in my performance in resolving technical issues quickly, while still being professional to the individuals that I speak with.

What am I to do, until that phone rings with something to fix? Twiddle my thumbs?

Going on forums is harmless, its not distracting me, or preventing me from performing well. I see no problem with it.

They basically want us sticking to our intranet, to read our companies propaganda..... :nono:

I love feeling like I'm enslaved more and more in the workplace.

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Way to misinterprete everything I've said so far.

There is alot more background to my frustration, BUT I'm sure that everyone will just take that as me being a lazy bum who wants to get paid for nothing.

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They provide you with a paycheck. Shut up and do what they say, or find someone else to provide you a paycheck while you do what you want in the downtime. Fortunately for me, I don't have to worry about this (right now) since if I'm not working, I'm not getting paid for it. I get paid for what I do, not the time I'm there.

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They provide you with a paycheck. Shut up and do what they say, or find someone else to provide you a paycheck while you do what you want in the downtime. Fortunately for me, I don't have to worry about this (right now) since if I'm not working, I'm not getting paid for it. I get paid for what I do, not the time I'm there.

I do techsupport, essentially. Inbetween calls there can be alot of time when you are waiting for a call to come in, and fix their issue.

If I was busy all day, this would NOT be an issue at all, say, if I was running around reimaging machines, administering servers and whatnot. Its very easy to get burned out quick at this job, and lately, management has done quite a bit to dick us over. General morale is pretty low currently. I suppose this one more thing made me snap a little bit.

I just really hate the feeling of more and more restrictions being imposed, despite the fact that in my department, we are very good at what we do.

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If you're the tech guy, and "are above average", figure out how to get around/through the proxy server...

Or, ask the boss what (s)he needs help doing.

in regards to the proxy, I can pretty much promise the minds in our Info. secuirty dept are greater than mine, that may change in the coming months though, but I'd rather not chance it.

As far as asking if there is anything extra that needs done, there really isn't. This job, you do your job specifically, and do it well, that's all they want.

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I do techsupport, essentially. Inbetween calls there can be alot of time when you are waiting for a call to come in, and fix their issue.

If I was busy all day, this would NOT be an issue at all, say, if I was running around reimaging machines, administering servers and whatnot. Its very easy to get burned out quick at this job, and lately, management has done quite a bit to dick us over. General morale is pretty low currently. I suppose this one more thing made me snap a little bit.

I just really hate the feeling of more and more restrictions being imposed, despite the fact that in my department, we are very good at what we do.

Did you know what the job would be like going into it? If so, :stfu: and do the job.

Seriously though, I know what you mean about some of the other comments. Been there, done that.

Yea we're gonna need you to come in Saturday.

I want my stapler back.

Great movie.

:violin:Try working on the RR. We cant even text while on duty. Cell phone has to be shut off and in my bag. :nono:

:stfu: and get back to pulling your train! :eek:

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