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Nelson's Ledges July 17th 2010


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Hai Gaiz

A few of us are going to Nelson's Ledges on Saturday, July 17th (yes, that's in like 2 days) because we have nothing better to do. Also, a track day at a bumpy track is better than not riding at the track. also, i have to use up to certificates for motoseries/fasttrax, so fuck you don't judge me.

anyways, if you haven't signed up by now, you're probably not going, but if you ARE going, you can look for us there. We'll probably be parked by the Pit In entrance.

The roll call so far:

me (int./open)

skrewloose (adv)

trmn8tr (int)

walther_gsp (int.)

notevenblueanymoreeyesore636 (adv)

and his super fast friend (int)

as per usual, i'll be on my beat to shit POS 600rr with yellow/black/cracks street plastics.

for those of you saying "waahhh nelson's is so bumpy, wahhhh" plug that sandy vag and ride. it's really not bad enough to matter. that said, i'd probably be doing grattan or midOh instead if i could lolololololol

see you there!

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Jinu after saturday it is now time for the race license. Just do it and quit crying like a bitch about it.

i'd do it if i could get my crap wired up. too lazy and too slow to do it lawl

Hey jinu it was nice meeting you guys this weekend. I'll be back in September unless shit hits the fan...thanks for making me look like i was standing still

hey, it was great seeing you there. i thought you did pretty awesome considering it was your first time there.

sounds like you guys are upping the pace out there. I'm gonna have to get back to Nelson and catch up before the end of teh season!

i wouldn't be in too big of a hurry, i don't think we're anywhere near a pace worth getting too excited over. i mean, it's a great feeling watching my times drop, but considering i started from 1:25's, and am just now hitting the very low 20's/high teens, in the grand scheme of things... it's very much meh.

i'll be impressed if i can hit mid 40's one of these days at mid oh. even that would be really pretty sad since some of the instructors are running their street tires into the low-mid 30's there without breaking much of a sweat.


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I don't think many of the coaches are in the low 1:30's at mid ohio. High 1:30's maybe, but the AMA riders were doing 1:29's on 600's and 1:25's on liter bikes this past weekend. mid 1:30's would be impressive. Low 1:30's would be down right implausible, with few exceptions. (Ryan Kerr was coaching last time I was there. the kid's legit.)

Advanced group traffic added about 4 seconds a lap to Cory West's race times last I saw him. I doubt he was pushing very hard at a trackday, but still.

breaking 1:20 at Nelson is a milestone in my book. breaking 1:10 is a bigger milestone, but one most of us won't reach. I've only timed a 1:18 at Nelson, but control riders swear i've done faster than that when the timer wasn't running. Whatever... Going fast at Nelson is less about riding well and more about having the confidence (or fearlessness) to trust the surface.

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I'm planning on doing a day at Mid-O early next month as going tomorrow is just too questionable weather wise and I'm going on vacation to Charleston, SC. next week.

BTW...Nelsons sucks.


i'm going to punch you in the vajayjay.

I don't think many of the coaches are in the low 1:30's at mid ohio. High 1:30's maybe, but the AMA riders were doing 1:29's on 600's and 1:25's on liter bikes this past weekend. mid 1:30's would be impressive. Low 1:30's would be down right implausible, with few exceptions. (Ryan Kerr was coaching last time I was there. the kid's legit.)

Advanced group traffic added about 4 seconds a lap to Cory West's race times last I saw him. I doubt he was pushing very hard at a trackday, but still.

breaking 1:20 at Nelson is a milestone in my book. breaking 1:10 is a bigger milestone, but one most of us won't reach. I've only timed a 1:18 at Nelson, but control riders swear i've done faster than that when the timer wasn't running. Whatever... Going fast at Nelson is less about riding well and more about having the confidence (or fearlessness) to trust the surface.

yeah, i didn't see with my own eyes, but go see Nate next time you're at midohio. I dunno what he's doing, but he's doing things right on his stock 600rr with corsa III's. he said once he hit the mid 30's, it started getting a little wonky on him.

i'm with you there on the "being 'fast' at nelson's involving balls more than skill, although i'm sure the guys running sub 10's there have quite a bit of both. i look at nelson's as an indicator for how much i trust my bike at lean on a shit surface and at high speed. the less i let off for the kink and the more i lean through the carousel, the more my balls drop. needless to say, they're still up near my belly button somewhere.

Im gonna do the race school in september. you should get that thing wired and come out and do it. I am still unsure about actually racing that weekend, but I know I will at least have it out of the way before next season.

i think todd or his crew does the safety wiring for like a hundred or 150, so i might have them do it, unless it's not that hard to do. i still have to find a race lower for my 600rr though, since i'm still on my ratty OEM plastics.

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i think todd or his crew does the safety wiring for like a hundred or 150, so i might have them do it, unless it's not that hard to do. i still have to find a race lower for my 600rr though, since i'm still on my ratty OEM plastics.

Wow for that much I may have them do it too! Ebay is the place man. Buy some cheap shit and race that mini 20 minute thing with me so Craig doesnt end up with a #1 plate next year....

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