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Airhawk Seat Cushion


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Hey everyone, I got myself an Airhawk seat cushion about a month ago, and after a 432 mile ride today with the CSBA, I am up to almost 1,000 miles on it and wanted to write a review since I've heard some people ask about it.

Sorry this won't be the most professional review. Writing this while fairly heavily medicated.

What is an Airhawk Seat?

Basically, it's just an cushion of air that you sit on.

It was originally designed in the medical field for wheelchair users. Now, the technology has spread, and has been adapted for Bikers like US!! and truck drivers, and other people who spend lots of time sitting down. I believe it also is used in some mattresses, but I don't know all the details. This is just the very basic idea of it that I remember from a month ago when I researched it.

Here is the site for it, I'm sure they have all the answers for any questions.



Basics about your tester:

32yo, Male, 240lbs in full riding gear. I ride a 2005 Hayabusa, and am setting it up towards Touring. Some of you know me, and know that my health is very poor. Those of you that don't know me, I have very severe muscle/joint pain, pretty much every day of my life, all day long. Comfort is a very big deal to me. I also am far from rich, and I simply won't pay the crazy prices of a Corbin.

If you look on top of my seat, you see a little cushion that is less then an inch thick..well, that's what the Airhawk looks like.


I bought the Original Airhawk seat, which is made out of Neoprene and is more durable, instead of the Airhawk 2, which is made out of Polyurethane, and for my size, was $35 cheaper. Original has a 2yr warranty, Airhawk 2 is a 1yr.

Both have a 60day money back guarantee, and both are repairable.

Like the majority of bikes, I needed the size Cruiser Medium. (they have 5 sizes in the Airhawk Original.)


Price: Price obviously varies based on Where you buy it, which size you need, and if you get the Original, or the Airhawk 2. I actually went to Iron Pony to buy mine since I was in a hurry, but they were sold out, but said they could order it. I decided if I had to order it anyways, I might as well order it online, and save a few $$. http://www.rlmotorcycles.com is where I ended up getting mine from. I have no affiliation with them at all, just bought several things from them, never with any problems. The also have some FAQS about it there, under the Airhawk section of course.

SUBTOTAL: $ 129.90

SHIPPING: $ 0.00

SALES TAX: $ 0.00

TOTAL SALE: $ 129.90

Now for my impressions:

When I opened it up, my initial thought was... This is it? It

isn't exactly impressive looking. Here is what it looks like,

without it's cover. Bottom Right..Is a little air valve.


So I took it out to my bike, took the front seat off, and

quickly installed it. Adjusting it is Very easy, as you close

the valve, sit on it, then slowly open the valve to let air

out of it. You only want a little bit of air in it for it to

Properly be adjusted. It looks almost flat when it's done right.

If you let too much air out the first time, and you can feel the

seat when you sit down, then you simply stand up, open the valve

to let some air back into it, and then do it again. Very simple.

Very user friendly.

When you first sit on it, it is kind of funny feeling. If you rock

back and forth, or side to side, you can feel the air moving under

you. It is, I guess I would say it is a soothing feeling. Once

you've ridden with it for a few miles, you get used to it, and

don't even notice.

I took several short rides on it, 45min or less. It felt good,

but for such a short ride, I wasn't ready to make a judgment.

So a little later, I did a 150mile ride, with the same result.

My butt still was happy, but even with my poor health, I could

manage 150miles on a Busa with minimal extra pain. I definitely

could tell an improvement over my stock seat though.

So 7/17 comes around, and it's the CSBA monthly ride. I've had

a Very pain filled past couple of weeks, but the guys on these

rides are awesome, and we always have fun, so I'm going! I gotta

test this Airhawk out anyways, and this is a perfect time to do it.

Final impressions:

11.5 hour day today. Obviously not all in the saddle, but still a

long day. 432 total miles by the time I got back home. I now feel

comfortable in forming an opinion on the Airhawk. While I did have

a Large amount of pain today..my Butt was Amazingly comfortable

all day long! By the time we stopped for lunch, I pretty much

already knew that I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this thing. Why, and How in the

world did I go through 12 years of riding without this thing?

Yes, in my mind it simply works that well. I always thought that

my Throttlemeister was my best investment, until Now! This

cushion just flat out works. If it wasn't for my Other body pains,

I could have easily ridden another 432 today. My butt has no pain,

or discomfort, or anything like that. I really don't know how to

tell you guys, just how impressed I really am with it. Just a HUGE

difference. For the $130. I paid, there simply is not a more

comfortable option for you to sit on.

Pros: (in no special order)

COMFORT, COMFORT, COMFORT!! Can't say it enough


NO hot spots

Fights the Dreaded Monkey Butt

Ease of use, and Ease of install

Raises me 1/2" or so, giving me Noticeable extra leg room!!

Appears Very durable

Easily removable

Medium Cruiser size (mine) is most common size, so good chance

it will fit on my next bike too.

Price now seems very Cheap knowing how well it works.

Easily adjustable, and instantly conforms to your butt. Gain

or lose weight? Just add or take out a little air, and it's perfect again!

(If you are 3000lbs this might not apply to your massive behind)

All parts are made and assembled

in Belleville, IL U.S.A.


Appearance..It simply isn't as neat looking as a custom seat

That 1/2" it raises me that is Good for my legs, is BAD for

my head. Sitting up straight, it puts airflow at an odd spot for me.

My windscreen is adjustable so I might be able to counter it. I'm

also fairly tall at 6'3ish.

Price might be a con for some, as it is, in the end, still

"just" a cushion and not an entire seat. (if you put on lots of

miles, this "con" quickly changes)


Well, I hope that this review helps Someone out there. If you are

looking for a more comfortable seating option, the Airhawk is

Awesome and is definitely worth looking into. I put off getting

one for a Long time, simply because of never actually sitting

on one, or hearing anyone that I Personally knew talk about it

after getting one. I now regret that I didn't just Try it many years

ago! The Gel, foam, and the one sheepskin seat cushion I have

tried, simply do not compare.

In MY OPINION, this is the most comfortable seat I have ever sat

on. I have never owned any Custom seat, and let it break in to my

butt though.

This Airhawk fits ME perfectly, and I am 110% happy with it. If

you buy it, and don't like it..the most you would be out, is a few

dollars shipping.

Thanks for reading!



I love my Airhawk!

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Great review bro. I'll definately be looking into them. With the conditions you have, I dont think a Corbin would be the right seat for you. ALOT of guys swear by Corbin but I think they are horrible on the Busa.

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I got mine from the same place about 3 years ago. Been singing the praises ever since - no one listens. I would take an Air Hawk on a stock saddle over any bedpan that locks you in place for the life of the ride.

As for the frumpy look of it, if it looked too nice it wouldn't be on your bike for long. Plus, it's all washable.

Nice write-up. Guys searching for Air Hawk will find it.

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ben let me sit on his busa on the ride saturday and it did feel kinda wierd at first, but after a sec i was very comfy....i hope to get one for Christmas. :-) I say that because the mrs is sitting here watching me type this..... ;-)

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Just wanted to point out, that the Airhawk 2 seat cushions, are on sale in the Iron Pony summer catalog that they mail out. (page 38)

$56.99-$62.99 depending on the size. The Medium Cruiser is $62.99, (It's the most popular size of course) Normal price for the Airhawk 2 is $100. (+/- $5) It compares to the Original Airhawk, which I paid $130.00 for, and the Pony has on sale right below it, for $152.95!

Again, the Airhawk Original is made from Neoprene and is more durable, and the Airhawk 2, is made from Polyurethane. It comes with a 1yr warranty.

Best sale price for the Airhawk 2, that I've Ever seen!

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Read this Friday, and as I had a 300+ mile day planned for Saturday (yesterday), I decided to give it a shot.

Stopped by the Pony after work, picked one up, put it on right there, rode home. So far, so good.

Got home last night after 322 miles, me arse was not complaining one bit after six hours on the bike - normally it would not have been real happy.

To add to the pros listed above:

- Sitting slightly taller in the saddle has altered what I see in my mirrors - my mirror is now full of what's behind me instead of half what's behind me and half a view of my shoulder.

- This thing somehow forces me to sit with my back more straight, leading to much less of a sore back from bending forward ever-so-slightly.

- Seems like smaller road imperfections are gone with the AirHawk. You'll still feel the big bumps, but the overall ride is much more smoove (sic) than before.

- The change in seating height was good for me - it moved my helmet into a less noisy wind flow area (or whatever the correct term is) - I get a lot less wind noise whistling through my helmet.

The sale prices in the Pony's catalog are either 1) only good online, or 2) a mis-print. The clerk Friday said they were a misprint. Either way, still worth the $$ to this rider.

Thanks, Ben, for your review and leading me to this great product.

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