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Well I'm screwed...


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I need a job, I'm broke and my OSU job is only giving me about 240 a month without taking out taxes

I have rent/utilities/amenities to pay for and I am broke

Can anyone help an Engineering student out?

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you've got 2 bikes under your screen name. One of them should tide you over for the next few months. And the lack of insurance is one less expense.

otherwise, get your resume out to everyone who will take it. even a fast-food job is better than no job at all.

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seems like you need to make some cut backs...im in the same boat with not having any money and having bills and stuff due...i just cancelled my bike insurance policy today to cut back...i pay a lot for insurance because of some dumb shit i did when i was 17-18, so im sitting it out for the rest of the year and hoping to be back on 2 wheels next year

you need to prioritize man, and say a prayer. God will provide if you believe, no matter how much im coming up short, i have faith it will work out and it does...unexpected income, smaller bills for a given month, finding 10 bucks on the sidewalk...whatever it may be

easiest way to have more money, is to make cut backs and start saving more...between my fiance, my truck, insurance, phone, and shitty paying job...ive had to cut back, you should be doing the same....and if you have two bikes, you really dont need both...may want to consider selling one of them till youre on your feet

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In the posters defense, I think we would all look for jobs before starting to sell off our possessions so cut him some slack. If I lost my job, selling my possessions for income would be a last resort.

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I can't sell either one of the bikes, they aren't titled under me. (well I can sell them but I wouldn't be the one getting the cash)

I don't have any toys to really give away myself, so it's all down to basic necessities, I've already cut the cable out and I just have internet, rent, electric, gas, and food.

I'm trying to cut back on food but I'm just really bad at that, nonetheless I'm still trying.

Skills...umm...I've worked a lot in Customer Service type fields, I used to work at the Magic Mountain at Polaris and basically moved up from one of those redemption kids to becoming a pit chief and running the go karts. I worked at a liquor store for a short while as a cashier. I worked as an Usher at the Schottenstein center for a period and finally I worked as a Java Consultant for the Computer Science and Engineering department at OSU. Most of the jobs I have held have been seasonal, except the OSU one.

Right now I am looking for anything, full time or part time and I plan on working for at least the next 6 months so not really seasonal.

I've worked in teams, I'm nice, friendly, I get shit done, and I treat a job like what it is, a job, not a place to dick around, unless of course I am aloud to dick around...I'm just saying I take work seriously but not too seriously, if that makes any sense...

Can't really think of anything else to put down, if anyone wants to check out my resume, I can put that up too.

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You know what......I worked full time, went to night college 3 nights a week, bowled in 2 leagues and was a single Dad. I did not set foot in my garage for 3-5 yrs, buy anything but books, pay the bills and groceries for the family.

Dude your single right? If not get rid of the GF and sell everything you can, bikes included and find a cheaper place to stay. Find the nearest blood center and sell your plasma... The blood centers pay well for that!

Life isn't a picnic or fair! Adapt and conquer!

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You know what......I worked full time, went to night college 3 nights a week, bowled in 2 leagues and was a single Dad. I did not set foot in my garage for 3-5 yrs, buy anything but books, pay the bills and groceries for the family.

Dude your single right? If not get rid of the GF and sell everything you can, bikes included and find a cheaper place to stay. Find the nearest blood center and sell your plasma... The blood centers pay well for that!

Life isn't a picnic or fair! Adapt and conquer!

Walked to school and work...in the snow...uphill...both ways? :dunno:

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have you seen the plasma center on campus? there is no way i would step foot in one of those places and let them recycle my blood back into me.... i would rather eat ramen every day for a year. However, my friend did make like $40 every time he went... that was his drinking money :nono:

UPS is hiring individuals to work as part-time Package Handlers. This is a physical, fast-paced position that involves continual lifting, lowering and sliding packages that typically weigh 25 - 35 lbs. and may weigh up to 70 lbs. Part-time employees usually work 3 ½ - 4 hours each weekday (Monday through Friday) and typically do not work on weekends or selected holidays.

had a friend who was a student, worked for UPS. worked out well for him bc of the hours. its only ~$9/hr, but it should help alot

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have you seen the plasma center on campus? there is no way i would step foot in one of those places and let them recycle my blood back into me.... i would rather eat ramen every day for a year. However, my friend did make like $40 every time he went... that was his drinking money :nono:

had a friend who was a student, worked for UPS. worked out well for him bc of the hours. its only ~$9/hr, but it should help alot

you move up quick at UPS... starting pay is 8.50, then 9 after your 30 days, then 10 after you do something "skilled" which is almsot every job in the building...i was up to 11.95 after 2 years of being there...and you get .35 cent raise every 6 months due to union contract....plus 3k a year for tuition reimbursement, full benefits that cant be beat...its a nice job, just not many hours...i make 150-180 a week after taxes there

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you could always work more hours...my room mate and i are both student employees at osu and work (if you can even call it work) damn near 40hrs every week, all year.

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OSU medical center is always hiring Patient escorts....Push patients to xray surgery ext.... Operating room assistants are always being hired too. How about delivering food trays.............

riverside is like 2 miles north of campus.......same deal.

Lots of opportunity around campus.

So what about the poser listing bikes he doesn't actually own........

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They are under my father's name. I'm selling them for him.

He gave me bikes as presents but, being strict as they are they left everything in their name so that he can take away the bikes whenever he wants.

I'll check out OSU medical center and Riverside and see what I can get

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Walked to school and work...in the snow...uphill...both ways? :dunno:

Actually I did when I was 6-8 and it was down hill on the way home! We lived less than a mile from school. My point is that he has to figure out what the basics are and sacrifice to get where he needs to go. I went back to night college when I was 29. I had a family and other life interests. I sacrificed things to get the education that I wanted. Priorities have to be organized to accomplish what you want in life. Hard to do when your young. Some understand and most don't.

Hell even at my age it is hard to sacrifice. The only thing that keeps me in line at times is my wife and her rolling pin! BTW I am not that old as the the first sentence makes me sound!

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Put your resume on Monster.com, check out Craigslist and other job boards. I lost my job and then got hired at HHgregg in Easton after checking out the job board here on OR. The best advice I can give as someone who has a lot of different experience put your resume out there and apply for everything and anything. There are jobs to be had you just have to look for them and remember that when you start a new job you will make less than you want but can move up the pay scale. a job is a job and if you are totally broke anything is better than nothing.

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Don't worry about it, chachi. You're what, 21 years old? You shouldn't be expected to make six figures at that age, and you shouldn't have to explain yourself to a douchebag. Some people just want to argue and feel better about themselves for making more money than a fucking college student. Not many bragging rights, but it makes his penis a full 2" longer.

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if you have any driving experience on a track TRC is always hiring professional test drivers. 13/hr i believe.

Go donate plasma, extra 300 a month, beat off in a jar at a sperm bank, extra 100 a week i think. Gay pron?....possibilities are endless.

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