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Posts from the "Well I'm screwed" thread as requested

that dude

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I see the situation for what it is. The mods deleted posts they deemed inappropriate for the forum. Just in case Chachi's family came in and read some of his last threads. Then you, being the billy badass e-thug keyboard warrior cried like a little bitch that you REALLY are. That's what it is, plain and simple.

And like I've told you before, nobody will miss you if you leave the site because you dont think it's "fun" anymore.

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I see the situation for what it is. The mods deleted posts they deemed inappropriate for the forum. Just in case Chachi's family came in and read some of his last threads. Then you, being the billy badass e-thug keyboard warrior cried like a little bitch that you REALLY are. That's what it is, plain and simple.

And like I've told you before, nobody will miss you if you leave the site because you dont think it's "fun" anymore.

Coming from the guy that's proud to be "tattooed white trash" I'm not so surprised you'd come up with a response like this.

Can you tell me one more time that nobody here will miss me? Please?

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Coming from the guy that's proud to be "tattooed white trash" I'm not so surprised you'd come up with a response like this.

Can you tell me one more time that nobody here will miss me? Please?

:lol: Tattoo'd White Trash is sarcasm. Those that have met me or been to my house know that.

NO ONE will miss you. kthnxbai

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No one was blamed for what happened. All that was said, was that in retrospect, it is sad that one picked up that he was reaching out for much needed help. Its no ones fault, its just sad that it happened. Where the issue arises is the lack of class that was, and still is being shown towards such a tragic event.

Maybe you are strong, strong enough that ending your life would never be an option for you. However that is clearly not the case for everyone. Its sad to find out how many people have had suicidal thoughts at some point in their life. Many of you have children, and everyone has someone they love. Put a loved one in Chachi's situation and reread what has been said regarding his life and how "weak" he was. You're lying if you say you wouldn't be angry and/or upset.

I doubt any of you know his full situation, and therefore have no place passing judgement. Rarely does one thing drive a person to such drastic measures, and I don't believe that money alone drove this poor guy to end his life.

This thread shouldn't exist, but since it does it should be a tribute to him. Dedicated to his memory, that we all go through hard times, a lesson on life, a show of how much suicide troubles those around you, even those you don't know, and a show of how much support is out there if you need it.

To his friends that may visit this site, I apologize on behalf of the OR community. I wish you the best, and I'm truly sorry for your loss.

Rest in peace, my posthumously acquired friend.

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I agree with Casper "stop shitting in the sandbox". Cats do that, and its gross.

I feel it's a little messed up that we have lost a friend and now its turned into an online argument about the way the forums run. If you don't like the way the "sandbox" is operated pick up your bucket and shovel and leave.

Sorry to the family and friends (rip).

This is why I haven't been vocal in this discussion, I think it's kind of dicked up.
kinda my feelings also even with me being a mod i dont like this but im gonna have to give my view on it and throw my thoughts in now

Leave well enough alone. He is gone and so many are shitting on his memory. I didn't know the kid but it seems like he was really loved. I don't care if the biggest asshole on this site passes away, I'm gonna have the decency to say something nice, or if I can't I'll shut the hell up.

If someone has a problem with moderation on this site, PM Casper or a mod directly or start a thread but keep it civil. You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar.

agreed with both parts here! i have said time and time again if ANYONE has any problem with ANYTHING pm me and i will try to get answers or shit fixed. thats all it takes is on pm to any of us. and hell i know for a fact that i have seen shit and gone out of my way to contact those effected.

There is no way you can blame others for a decision that ultimately rested solely on his shoulders. No one here hastened the outcome any more than anyone could have prevented it.

Its crystal clear now that this board is just like all the others. Someone with "moderator" under his screen name gets his feelings hurt and feels the need to flex his or her "muscles" to "right" a perceived slight. Of course, if the person who happens to be on the "receiving end" of the e-beating isn't one of your "crowd" then the piling on is ignored. Call it "shades of grey" if you want, but in reality its a double standard.

ok the red i agree with you for the most part. you cant blame others for one persons actions/decisions, but there always that factor that you can push someone over the edge. im not saying sunshine and popsicles should be blown up each others butts day in and day out (mainly cuz it tickles), but the difference between a little elbowing and joking around is a lot different than the stuff that infractions have been given for. honestly i have not read the thread in question because it was happening while i was on vacation from some of the constant whining and complaining that happens on the board.

now the blue i dont agree at all. i have moderator under my name and i dont get butt hurt or like to flex my mod muscle for anything. if i see something that in my view warrants attention i either take care of it (like when i edited that dudes post about suicide in the r.i.p. thread) or i report it and get opinions from my fellow moderators and admin. and i dont believe i have a crowd or click which is what i think you were saying. when it comes to trying to be fair and helpful im here for eveyone.

I'm amazed at your inability to see a situation for what its worth. The thread wasn't a "sympathy" thread when the shit hit the fan. The guy was asking how he was supposed to party like a rockstar on $240 a month. Questions were asked and questions were answered. If you didn't like the answers you could have said something then instead of jumping on the whiny cunt bandwagon now.

i think the problem is it wasnt caught by anyone while it was going on and that is why it was over looked and it went on.
I can honestly say that this board used to be a lot fun. It isn't any more. You may as well merge it with that localriders.com board.

Too many moderators spoil the board

i know you dont care cuz its not your nature but i enjoy you around. i enjoy dry humor and take can everything you say with a grain of salt. but the forum is still fun....... and moderators only have to do anything when they are needed by other members or to steer the site back in the proper direction.
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For the record, he was not asking how he could live like a rockstar. You were the one implying that he had all those extra things such as cable etc. He did nothing different than anyone else in the job board does, and asked if anyone knew where he could find a job. You did your typical, find someone and attack them.

I still don't get it... someone please explain to me why people make posts saying how much they dislike the board... if you don't like it, leave!... or at least offer something positive and constructive to make it better. it's really easy. Nobody is forcing you to be here and endure this terrible place :rolleyes:.

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Spare me the "I used to kind of like you" shit. Whether you did or didn't is of zero consequence to me. Do you think its news to me that I'm "mean spirited"? Give me a break and take you bleeding heart liberal ass to the next thread.

Its crystal clear now that this board is just like all the others. Someone with "moderator" under his screen name gets his feelings hurt and feels the need to flex his or her "muscles" to "right" a perceived slight. Of course, if the person who happens to be on the "receiving end" of the e-beating isn't one of your "crowd" then the piling on is ignored. Call it "shades of grey" if you want, but in reality its a double standard.

Then you obviously won't mind seein' your way to the door

Or did you need us to escort you??

The guy was asking how he was supposed to party like a rockstar on $240 a month.
Completely untrue.... No where did I ever see him saying anything remotely like that. However, if that's how you wanna rationalize it in your mind, so be it. Doesn't make it any truer to the rest of us
I can honestly say that this board used to be a lot fun. It isn't any more. You may as well merge it with that localriders.com board.

Too many moderators spoil the board.

And so do too many assholes

I'll ask you the same thing I asked Dude.... Then why are you such an active member here?? Me think thou doth protest too much

Localriders? Isn't that the one you bragged about already bein' banned from??

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For the record, he was not asking how he could live like a rockstar. You were the one implying that he had all those extra things such as cable etc. He did nothing different than anyone else in the job board does, and asked if anyone knew where he could find a job. You did your typical, find someone and attack them.

I still don't get it... someone please explain to me why people make posts saying how much they dislike the board... if you don't like it, leave!... or at least offer something positive and constructive to make it better. it's really easy. Nobody is forcing you to be here and endure this terrible place :rolleyes:.

the kid was trying to live. Trying to out live his means. He asked for advice we have it to him like a man. Man to man. doesn't matter if it was crude rude or nice. Just being honest. Go blow your horn elsewhere

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the kid was trying to live. Trying to out live his means. He asked for advice we have it to him like a man. Man to man. doesn't matter if it was crude rude or nice. Just being honest. Go blow your horn elsewhere

You keep saying that. How was he living outside his means? He wasn't living off the system, begging for money, etc. He wasn't crying one minute about being broke, then going out partying and shopping for OSU tickets the next. He was looking for a better paying part-time job. That's it.


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You guys would really hatevto hear my honest opinion. I reserve myself . Yes ID say it to your face. Any one of you. Call the posse of Todd, dudes brings more advice to this site than half you so called mods. I vote to have Todd as a mod.He tells it how the fuck it is . Period. Nothings left painted gray or ghey

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the kid was trying to live. Trying to out live his means. He asked for advice we have it to him like a man. Man to man. doesn't matter if it was crude rude or nice. Just being honest. Go blow your horn elsewhere

I didn't see all that was said in the thread but some posts may or may not have been out of line. Doesn't really matter much. The thread was "cleaned up" for the sake of his friends/family that may come on here and see the comments. It was more than likely preventative maintenance for the OR as well as making it easier on his family. Chachi's family should know that he was well like and respected on this forum. That thread didn't exactly paint that picture.

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This thread is sad...

Sad that someone has lost their life.

Equally sad that some are oblivious to emotions.

It may be time to close this one. God forbid any of his family read this thread. It's an embarrassment to ORdN.


May he be at peace with God and may he be reunited with his loved ones upon judgement. I will pray for these things and for the sound judgement of my brothers and sisters, here.

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Then you obviously won't mind seein' your way to the door

Or did you need us to escort you??

It's pretty obvious now which "moderator" sent this:

Dear Todd#43,

You have received an infraction at Ohio Riders.



Annoying the mods/admins

Psst ... Here you go.


This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Please do not reply to this message, as this private message box is not reviewed. Instead, if you feel this was in error, please contact us via this link.

All the best,

Ohio Riders

Completely untrue.... No where did I ever see him saying anything remotely like that. However, if that's how you wanna rationalize it in your mind, so be it. Doesn't make it any truer to the rest of us

And so do too many assholes

And you appear to be in BOTH groups - lucky you.

I'll ask you the same thing I asked Dude.... Then why are you such an active member here?? Me think thou doth protest too much

Based on my post count and "activity" meter, I'd hardly say I'm an "active" member.

With that said, keep in mind that part of being able to run an effective board is giving those that you disagree with the opportunity to speak their mind as well as those that you DO agree with. Lately around here, things seem to be "say something against me or my "friends" and your shit will be moved/deleted/whatever. My opinion is that's what ruins a public forum.

Localriders? Isn't that the one you bragged about already bein' banned from??

Yup - banned. Why? Because I didnt march in lock step with the members of the collective.

Its starting to become the same way here. There are those here with "moderator" status who want their asses kissed, and if you don't they'll do what they can to silence the dissent.

Fuck it. Its really not worth it.

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You guys would really hatevto hear my honest opinion. I reserve myself . Yes ID say it to your face. Any one of you. Call the posse of Todd, dudes brings more advice to this site than half you so called mods. I vote to have Todd as a mod.He tells it how the fuck it is . Period. Nothings left painted gray or ghey

Not as clear as I tell it: If you don't like it here, see yourself out. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

If you can't be civil with people, then just leave.

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I have no beef in this convo....But too much moderation does ruin Good Forums in a heartbeat...Especially when the moderators stick together like a pack of wolves and no one outside their click can be right.

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Not as clear as I tell it: If you don't like it here, see yourself out. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

If you can't be civil with people, then just leave.

Once again, all i ask is to get treated as equally as your cronies and other members. I just voice my opinion like others. If you don't like me or what I say , say it to my face. Some hide behind caspers Ohio riders or call on the dogs. Never said I hated it here did I ?

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You guys would really hatevto hear my honest opinion. I reserve myself . Yes ID say it to your face. Any one of you. Call the posse of Todd, dudes brings more advice to this site than half you so called mods. I vote to have Todd as a mod.He tells it how the fuck it is . Period. Nothings left painted gray or ghey

I appreciate your support, but no thanks.

Not as clear as I tell it: If you don't like it here, see yourself out. I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

If you can't be civil with people, then just leave.

The "friendly cracker" my ass.

I have no beef in this convo....But too much moderation does ruin Good Forums in a heartbeat...Especially when the moderators stick together like a pack of wolves and no one outside their click can be right.

Never thought I'd agree with that guy, but there ya have it.

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I have no beef in this convo....But too much moderation does ruin Good Forums in a heartbeat...Especially when the moderators stick together like a pack of wolves and no one outside their click can be right.

Ding ding ding winnar winnar chicken dinner! It's bs. Casper wouldn't admit his cronies are wrong. He would look bad. Let's be honest Ben. Just like if my sub foreman is wrong I still got his back

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I appreciate your support, but no thanks.

The "friendly cracker" my ass.

Never thought I'd agree with that guy, but there ya have it.

You still here?? I thought we over-moderated & you didn't like it here anymore?? We're too "clicky" for you, & too grey/ghey :dunno:

You're just another one who likes to bitch & complain about everything, & "shock" everybody with your "provacativeness", a'la Howard Stern :rolleyes:

But in the end.... You're still here 'cause you got nowhere else to go/nobody else has put up with your toxic ass this long

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And another thing that ruins a good Furum is when two people carry on conversations between themselves in almost EVERY thread on the forum to pad post counts....Even if the conversation has absolutley nothing to do with the thread.

This ruins the topic and the thread.....but no one ever says anything about it.

Wanna know why?

Funny thing is the two I speak of are moderators.

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You still here?? I thought we over-moderated & you didn't like it here anymore?? We're too "clicky" for you, & too grey/ghey :dunno:

Yup, still here - even though your bitch "told" me to hit the door.

Because I have complained about the shortcomings of the board or offered my opinion doesn't mean I'm going to leave.

You're just another one who likes to bitch & complain about everything, & "shock" everybody with your "provacativeness", a'la Howard Stern :rolleyes:

So, because I don't agree with you all I do is "bitch and complain"? Its obvious that anyone with an opposing view is a piece of shit in your eyes. If you (or anyone else for that matter) really don't like what I have to say, or its a problem for you, why dont you click the "ignore" button, or just pass over my posts? I know, you're like a rubbernecker at a traffic accident - you can help but look.

But in the end.... You're still here 'cause you got nowhere else to go/nobody else has put up with your toxic ass this long

I'm here because I have shit to say. No one here has to put up with my "toxic ass" if they dont want to.

Don't you have another "infraction", complete with a snarky comment to send to someone?

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