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cincinnati bell zoomtown is ripping me off.


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I love paying for the premium service and getting the slowest dsl around.

even their own speed tests show my service at 800 Kbps download:mad:

it was always 3mb or so. I noticed a huge slowdown a few weeks now. I figured something was going on so I tested my speeds and found out it's not even downloading at 1mb when it's advertised at 5mb.

this is the first time since I've had zoomtown that the service has been this slow.

I got zoomtown back in 2000 or about.

even at that time it was 1.5mb downloads.

I called and they have no idea what to do other than give me a $5/month discount..but I already pay $45 a month and they are advertising it for $35.

I'm so fucking pissed off. I want them to charge me for what I'm getting. and that's the dsl lite package for $15/month. but they wont.

it's so slow, I can't watch anything on youtube without waiting for it to download for at least 3-4 min. and I'm talking about 2-3 min music videos. shit used to download in seconds.

windows update literally took 40 min to download about 70mb worth of stuff last night.

what are you other zoomtown customers getting?

Edited by serpentracer
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Not a zoomtown customer but can't they get a tech to come out and check the lines? If the service was working at significantly faster speeds in the past, it seems that something is probably wrong with the service.

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yeah they are sending techs out. they all said there isn't anything wrong. signals in the lines are all good. and CB isn't concerned with fixing anything. they keep telling me that's the normal speeds of zoomtown. but I know they are full of crap. it's always been higher than that.

I know what they did, they put my service on their lite package and are charging me the rate for the business speeds which is supposed to be over 5mb.

the place I live in now, we had trouble with connection loss when I first moved in (2005). they fixed it and my downloads were always right at or very close to 3mb.

as for roadrunner, everyone on dslreports.com says roadrunner is even worse. at peak times you download speeds drop to around 400kbps.

and people keep saying they switched to zoomtown and it's noticeably faster.

plus warner cable is known for trying to get you to pay per use on their internet.

at the same time people in my same area post screenshots of their download test and are getting 10mb download speeds. I have no idea how but they are.

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Keep calling and opening up tickets. Also, ask to speak to a manager or one level above that even. I had 25+ trouble tickets the first 2 years I had DSL from Sprint (Centurylink). Since I work in the the networking field I know how to trouble shoot and isolate the problem. I would tell them where the problem was and then have to spend an hour on the phone while they did their tests. I finally got got the point that as soon as I opened a ticket I would as to speak to a manager. Doing this did help. Another thing to do is if you have a gateway instead of a modem log into it and look at the line stats (db levels, ATM errors, etc). I would post those numbers on dslreports and see what the folks on thier say. I know that one the Sprint/Embarq/Centurylink forum there ar several employees that provide input to try and help people out. Good luck, I know it is a pain on the ass.

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I had the same problem with centurylink last year. It was unacceptably slow. Finally after calling multiple times, resetting the modem countless times, and generally harassing them every other day for a week, they sent someone out. Magically, after that day it's been good since.

The best part about DSL in my case is how consistent the speed is.

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Avoid roadrunner like the plague, unless you feel that you should be obligated to do full system resets daily. I have vowed that I will NEVER use TW again unless there is absolutely no other option. I've had Embarq/ Centurylink for four years now with virtually no issues or problems. When I HAVE had an issue, they've fixed it quickly.

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I love Roadrunner when I need to download 1GB or larger files fast. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, my computers accidentally switch to the neighbors connection for a brief time. Coincidentally, I realize that they have switched, after I finish downloading the huge files.

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My SBC has been slow as hell the last couple weeks as well....so I did a test and I am getting half of what I should be...which is a whole step down on the pay scale from what I am actually paying for.

Guess I'll be making a call myself tomorrow.

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just did a speed test with zoomtown. as i suspected. SLOW


thats actually not so bad considering the latency.

i have roadrunner and i get great download speeds, when its working. every few days my service will just drop out for no reason, then i have to wait, sometimes for an hour or so. the problem with dsl is that the further you are from the hub, the slower the speeds. the problem with broadband is shared bandwidth. id honestly rather stick with shared bandwidth. just my .02

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DSL is shared just as much as cable is, I'm not sure why DSL providers try to make people think otherwise. The only real difference is where the sharing occurs. With DSL it's often at a central office or a remote dslam, but in general, you're still sharing bandwidth in the same way.

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hehehe... at work :)


I have Road Runner Turbo at home (my roommate got turbo). I keep telling him to switch back to normal non-turbo because we don't get turbo speeds enough the time to justify it. We normally get 7Mb/s+

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