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WTF is up with these oil companies


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wtf pipelines dont just malfunction!

and off our trucks it was $2.719 today i think. its supply and demand, this time of the year there is more petro used with farmers hitting the fields hard and vacation travel, this is normal really.

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^ that's what they said when it was $4.

they stood by the "supply and demand" bullshit. and people just accepted it.

Jim Cramer reported about it on mad money and so did Bill Oriely on the oreily factor. which was a shock to me fox news let him do it.

it's no surprise right when the stock market took a crash, the price of gas went back to $2. do they really expect people to believe the demand dropped 50%?

I'm not that naive.


Edited by serpentracer
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i agree it was speculators then and that was the problem.... but you said from spring to now it jumped. and i am being honest i work longer hours sometimes 10 and 11 hour days in this period of the year cuz of planting, making hay, and harvesting. i wish we could point to am guy behind a curtain pulling the strings of the gas price but it isnt like that. If it was the gulf oil spill would have been the perfect storm to raise the price to 4 or 5 bucks a gallon since the media was acting like it was a huge part of the market, when in reality it is just a tiny fraction of what is actually produced.

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I was in New Olreans 4 weeks ago. While at the airport, I was talking to a guy that works on one of those orange boats that shuttle supplies to the oil platforms. The New Horizon rig was one of 4000 active wells. The spill it self was major, but in the big picture, percentage wise, was not enough to alter the price of oil or have an impact on oil production.

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i agree it was speculators then and that was the problem.... but you said from spring to now it jumped. and i am being honest i work longer hours sometimes 10 and 11 hour days in this period of the year cuz of planting, making hay, and harvesting. i wish we could point to am guy behind a curtain pulling the strings of the gas price but it isnt like that. If it was the gulf oil spill would have been the perfect storm to raise the price to 4 or 5 bucks a gallon since the media was acting like it was a huge part of the market, when in reality it is just a tiny fraction of what is actually produced.

yeah but remember what they did back when it was $4? every week it was another reason this... another reason that... to keep it at $4 etc.

they know they were bullshitting everyone and now so does the public.

$2.50 a gallon is kind of high but fair enough.

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yeah but remember what they did back when it was $4? every week it was another reason this... another reason that... to keep it at $4 etc.

they know they were bullshitting everyone and now so does the public.

$2.50 a gallon is kind of high but fair enough.

yeah i totally remember. i blame the media and how the turn everything into a crisis. and i agree its still high but a drilling moratorium isnt gonna help.... the last i heard a judge overturned it and then i went on vacation and totally removed myself from the world and never heard if they reinstated it or not? has anything changed?

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Boo!! The Big' date=' Bad Oil Company!! I want quality oil and fuel from safe rigs and lines. I want union workers to give it to me and they'd better have top-notch benefits and pension plans. I want my local station to have my choice of 3-4 different octanes available to me on my whim.

"WTF?? Why are these crooked oil companies charging me so much??"[/quote']

Not even close to my point or any sort of implied meaning. I posted this because this pisses me off. I spend a lot of my vacation time in Michigan and in today's day and age there is no reason for this. For there to have been 850K gallons pumped into the river that pipe had to be a full flow for close to 2.5 hours. In actuallity it was most likely a longer period of time. This wasn't a break in the middle of know where but at a pumping station. No alarms, no monitors that noticed lower pressure on the downline leg of this pipeline? That is my point.

Edited by cmh_sprint
corrected time calculation
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