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Slight jaunt into the dark side..


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My Zune 120gb is a bit on the big side as far as actual size. So.. I wanted something smaller and easier to run with.

Last night I purchased a Apple IPOD NANO 8G/SILVER (5th generation). Ben would be proud.:D

Oh, I decided for $99 I'd risk the refurb as it also comes with a 1 yr warranty. Fine by me.

I still love my Zune.. but now its going to have a little friend.. errr enemy?

First Apple product I actually bought. Scary!:eek:

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The best way to buy Apple gear is on refurb. They jsut about always carry the same warranty and someone else has already paid the ridiculous markup on their stuff. Its good gear, but just a bit rich for my blood most of the time.

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I have three Sandisk Sansa Clips. 2Gb, 4Gb (refurb), and 8Gb+ 16Gb miniSD= 24Gb.

Obviously my favorite music player. Always have a backup player.

I've been unable to fill up a 24Gb. Even when loading mostly 320kbps files.

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Where'd ya get it? I would like to have a new MP3 player, since my Zune 30 died on the WV DTC ride, and i haven't found any decent deals for a zune.

I just went to the Apple store, is that the only place to get the refurbs?

Get flooded? :lol:

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Been using a 1st gen 1G Shuffle for years, no display but it's battery life is great and it actually has enough power to drive my 300ohm Sennheiser hd580 phones to listenable levels and still sounds awesome for a portable, plus I can use the controls while it's in my pocket by feel from the outside. That's one player they got right, a lot better than the 1st gen Nano by far.

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