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WTF!? i need your help!


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6 month suspension, pay fines. thats about it. remember if they suspend it ask for permission to drive back and fourth to work. most of the time they will give you that. they might make you take the test over again.

is all good if I get privaledges, i got friends and hootchies to haul me around town.

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status: I wore a suit, listened to frank sinatra on my way, presented myself nicely, but acted disapointed in myself. I got a $50 ticket, no suspension.....holy crap, I dont understand how thats possible, I got a $110 ticket for doing 14 over last year....god, im good

I showed the magistrate the ORC, and he dropped it. thanks guys!

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status: I wore a suit, listened to frank sinatra on my way, presented myself nicely, but acted disapointed in myself. I got a $50 ticket, no suspension.....holy crap, I dont understand how thats possible, I got a $110 ticket for doing 14 over last year....god, im good

I showed the magistrate the ORC, and he dropped it. thanks guys!

good shit son! double windsor FTW

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yeah, west chester blows. Back in high school, I had alot of problems with lakota kids...and now cops

A problem with tall the Rich Stoners who Mommy and Daddy just adore???

It wasn't as bad when i went there. Now there are so many rich kids there that it ain't funny.

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A problem with tall the Rich Stoners who Mommy and Daddy just adore???

It wasn't as bad when i went there. Now there are so many rich kids there that it ain't funny.

yup, dumb rich jocks...think they are better than everyone else because their mommies and daddies bye them lexus's and bimmers. I cant stand it, one put a rock through my window a few years back. Still havent figured out which one it was though

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Yea I hate West Chester. My Fiancee's folks live up there and all it is is new P&Gers and such who have relocated from other places and dont know where to live in Cincy. Geez, I went to a private school and didnt have that many problems with the rich kids there, but that was almost 15 years ago and high schoolers now are a WAY different breed, they are all raised with ZERO accountability and that lovely, everybody makes the team, feel good attitude.

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