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Prez does it again


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Obama approves bill to provide 1,500 new border patrol agents.

They will supposedly hand out bottles of water and maps to incoming unregistered democrats.


Obama does it: Waste of $600M to the socialist gov't regime to add more illegals

Bush does it: True American Republican who is tough on immigration and national security.

Got it.

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Welcome to Free Republic!

Free Republic is the premier online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web. We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have fun doing it. Hoo-yah!

That site is bullspit... it's citations are of other articles ON the SITE without proper citations. Guess how credible that is...:rolleyes:

Chevysoldier rapes kittens [1]


[1] JRMMiii

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I oppose the building of a mosque at ground zero... then again... I oppose the building of any more religious buildings anywhere, and think they all should be forced to pay property tax on the land they occupy.

Hmm. Taxing church property. Not bad. It'd be cool to go back to when everyone just met at someone's house on Sunday.

While we're taxing property, what about universities? Those bastions of the upper class get to pay no tax on land that was given to them free in the first place and then charge $20,000 for an education. But they're a "state instution". Really? I guess I get confused about that when I drive by "Harvard on the Olentangy."

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That site is bullspit... it's citations are of other articles ON the SITE without proper citations. Guess how credible that is...:rolleyes:

Chevysoldier rapes kittens [1]


[1] JRMMiii

That's ridiculous. Do you have any idea how hard it is to fit inside a kitten?

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Obama does it: Waste of $600M to the socialist gov't regime to add more illegals

Bush does it: True American Republican who is tough on immigration and national security.

Got it.

Still playing Bush vs Obama?!? Thats so yesterday!

More like Obama sued Arizona for supporting border enforcement and now is a hero because he is supporting border enforcement.


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No. I'm playing "perspective". And, if you don't learn history you're doomed to repeat it.

Most of the tunnel-vision neo-cons just can't accept anything but 100% what they foolishly think is right.

There is some middle-ground.

The opposition isn't 100% "evil".

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The statements were generalizations of most liberal beliefs. But then, you know that. Deflect in an attempt to confuse. Shift the focus. Classic.

Do liberals support abortion, but hug trees and want to save some obscure species of titmouse, in general? I think so.

Do they claim to be more compassionate and caring, so long as its with other peoples' money? I think so.

Do they scream against "environmental disaster", then hop in their petro-burning car to get around?

Do they try to inflict their viewpoints on the entire community, ad nauseum? Because you want a compost pile in your backyard and are a vegan doesn't mean that thats what I want, so quit trying to force it on me. You want your freedom to live the way you choose, but want to take away my freedoms (what I eat, what I drive, the temp I keep my house at). Obama wants to keep the Oval Office at 75 degrees in the winter, but says that its wrong that I want to keep my house at 72, so we need to put higher taxes on the utilities (cap & trade) to discourage it.

BTW, "you" isn't anyone in particular. It, too, is used in a general sense.

I'm not going to go dig examples of each point I make. JRMiii uses this tactic, too, and I'm not going for it.

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t's not right across the street, either. It's a couple blocks away.

It's where the landing gear from one of the 9/11 aircraft fell through the roof of the Burlington Coat factory that used to be there. It will be in the Cultural/Civic Center of the new ground zero trade center complex. We're talking about two main buildings that each covered square miles. Two blocks appear to be nothing.

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Had to think about something, that maybe everyone else should think about also. In traditional Islam (not necessarily American Islam, there is a difference), wherever a mosque is built, it is territory claimed for Islam. In part it is the ground the mosque is built on, must remain Islamic territory forever. In the other part, it is the area of Islam (which means submission), that becomes a part of that mosque. Think of it as everyone in that area that can reach the mosque in a morning's walk or ride to faith.

A mosque is forever, and history shows that once built, it will be fought for, to return the mosque to it's claimed territory. In other words, the ground it's built on, becomes someone else's property forever. (And I don't really know, but it's probably in Shara law somewhere.) Certainly no different than a lot of other ideology, but this one should be viewed as serious in that history shows that wars are started and people die, over the existence of a religious building that is brought into another country's territory.

And the only reason this is a problem, is that we have a world full of uneducated peoples that support those views. Here in America, this really doesn't exist to any great extent.

So how does anyone separate the two types? You cannot. And history shows that differing viewpoints within Islam also causes warfare. (No different than any other religious/political/ideological conflict.)

So be prepared for potential conflicts in the future, because that is what this is about. And it's not my opinion, it's evidence of historical events.

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The statements were generalizations of most liberal beliefs. But then, you know that. Deflect in an attempt to confuse. Shift the focus. Classic.

You go right on ahead using your weasel words and phrases, it makes for a very weak argument.

Do liberals support abortion, but hug trees and want to save some obscure species of titmouse, in general? I think so.

Some do, some don't. And this is once again the same tired argument that just because you're not against something, you assume people are for it. I never heard you say you're against babies eating lead, so therefore you OBVIOUSLY must support it. :rolleyes:

Do they claim to be more compassionate and caring, so long as its with other peoples' money? I think so.

I wonder where the cult de Jesus gets their money? I've never seen God personally slip a pastor a couple Benjamins.

Do they scream against "environmental disaster", then hop in their petro-burning car to get around?

So, you support a Gulf filled with oil? You're one of those, "well, you might break a few eggs when you make an omelette"-types eh? Oil ain't eggs. I don't care what political view you sanction, you'd condone the spill as "acceptable" just because you drive a vehicle? What does politics have ANYTHING to do w/ it? How can you consider the gulf spill as an acceptable cost of having petro-burning vehicles? Especially when we can have that WITHOUT pouring oil all over the gulf?

Do they try to inflict their viewpoints on the entire community, ad nauseum?

Hmm, I know liberals are the ONLY ones that shove their viewpoints down your throat.


You want your freedom to live the way you choose, but want to take away my freedoms (what I eat, what I drive, the temp I keep my house at).

Ok, name ALL the things Obama and the "liberals" took away from you that you can no longer do because of them?


I'm not going to go dig examples of each point I make. JRMiii uses this tactic, too, and I'm not going for it.

That's because it's all bull. :bs::rolleyes:

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Still playing Bush vs Obama?!? Thats so yesterday!

More like Obama sued Arizona for supporting border enforcement and now is a hero because he is supporting border enforcement.


No. I'm playing "perspective". And, if you don't learn history you're doomed to repeat it.

Most of the tunnel-vision neo-cons just can't accept anything but 100% what they foolishly think is right.

There is some middle-ground.

The opposition isn't 100% "evil".

My my, aren't we just full of names and oozing spite.

You don't find any humor in the flip flop the politician named Obama did?

Get a grip man! :p

Most of the tunnel-vision liberals just can't accept anything but 100% what they foolishly think is right.

I stand by my :lol::lol::lol:

and I'll even add a


You so funny!

Edited by Strictly Street
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Like it or not, the government cannot be in the business of saying what religious establishment is built there. Nor can it stop a Hoggy's from being built beside the mosque either.:o

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The statements were generalizations of most liberal beliefs. But then, you know that. Deflect in an attempt to confuse. Shift the focus. Classic.

Do liberals support abortion, but hug trees and want to save some obscure species of titmouse, in general? I think so.

First, I don't know many liberals who support abortion. I know that liberals, like the majority of Americans, support the right to choose abortion, but that's something completely different.

Second, these are two completely different and unrelated issues. There isn't really a relationship between nature conservation and abortion rights.

Do they claim to be more compassionate and caring, so long as its with other peoples' money? I think so.

Common misconception. It's not "other peoples' money." It's money that we, as tax payers, pay to the government to pay for the running of the country. This money may pay for the running of the federal government, various social programs, infrastructure, or a needless, fabricated war.

Either way, there will always be something that people don't like paying for. I don't like paying for a fake war built on deception and fear, and you may not like paying for health care for Americans in poverty. Doesn't matter who you are, there are always things that you won't like the government paying for.

Do they scream against "environmental disaster", then hop in their petro-burning car to get around?

Shouldn't people scream against environmental disaster? Is this really a comparison between hundreds of millions of gallons of oil in the ocean and driving a Toyota Corolla?

Do they try to inflict their viewpoints on the entire community, ad nauseum?

Given the current same sex marriage debate, this is laughable. Unless you mean the way liberals want to tell you who you can marry, what you can do with your body, and, of course, where you can build a community center with a prayer room. That must be what you mean.

This cultural center is a great example of this. It's private property. The community approved it. Meanwhile, conservatives are hell bent on stopping it. So much for the will of the people and property rights.

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here's the thing:

9/11 was perpetrated by extremist followers of osama bin laden. they DO NOT represent all muslims.

thinking they do is like like saying fred phelps or eric rudolph represent all christians.

people seem to think that mosque = al qaeda field office.

its just as ignorant as thinking every black person you see is going to rob you.

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