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Slowly tweaking the dev site....


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What do you think? I obviously still have a lot more to do, but it's coming along. The sponsors are just place holders. There are new ones not there, and some old ones are there that shouldn't be. And the banner up top doesn't rotate. Again, it's just a placeholder. But with the design, navigation, etc, what do you all think so far? Suggestions?

PS: The Facebook connect thing is sort of broke. I have a fix for it, I just haven't put it in yet.

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I'm happy it looks near the same.

That's been my goal. Keep it as close to the same, but better. :D

I tell you what, vB4's styling (stylevars) suuuuuuuucks. Supposedly with the new 4.1 release they're cleaning it up. We'll see. But for the time being, I'm doing it all manually.

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i personally prefer the "old" site to the new one. i think the old site comes off more polished. the new sites logo's look odd to me compared to the old site.

is the new site gonna be vbulletin as well?

I agree. While similar to the current site, it is still very boring. Can you spice it up a bit more? Graphics are really basic and not sure about the three bikes at the top. I understand the idea to pertain to all aspects of riding and riders, but they are really bland...

Looks good, but just needs more pop with graphics...

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Okay, so the problem is with the random pictures piece. For some reason, it works fine if you're logged in. If you aren't, it throws the generic database error. Freaking awesome. It's disabled for now. I'll figure it out eventually.

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i definitely like it. The only requests I would have is like was said remove the craigslist ads from new posts and add a link to the User CP where the new posts link is

Non of those will be there. I left them on the dev site so I have new posts to test.

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