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waiting for Oct 3rd so I can once again yell WE DEY at all my bungles bandwagon friends

I agree, they bandwagon fans are going to be coming out of the wood work...should be interesting to see how tailgaiting will be this season downtown.

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I agree, they bandwagon fans are going to be coming out of the wood work...should be interesting to see how tailgaiting will be this season downtown.

I lived in Cinci for 6 years, the first 2 years I never heard a peep out of 90% of my friends that claim themselves as "fans". They go 8-8 one year and all of a sudden here they come acting like they are die hard fans meanwhile myself and several other friends from Cleveland were at the Browns backer bar religiously watching the Browns get destroyed yet still rooting for them every week. I have no idea why it pisses me off so much, but it just does.

Not to mention their stupid little chant is just a rip off of the Saints and nobody I knew could even tell you how it became something the idiots yell, yet me as a Browns fan knew its origin. It may just be because of the people I was around but I have never seen such great ignorance in one fan base

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I was at a bar on OSU's campus around 2005ish when a real proud Bengals fan started talking shit to some browns fans. This was at like 8:00 on a Friday, so I don't know how NFL even came up...

Anyway, in this mostly empty bar, everyone could hear their argument. My friends and I entertained ourselves by taking bets on which stat each of them would try to argue next. "I bet you the next round of beers that he pulls out the overall record between Cleveland and Cincy next."

"deal - my money's on 'when was the last time the browns made the playoffs?'"

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