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September 11th, 2001


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I was laying in bed (had the day off of work) and my gf at the time walked in the bedroom and said "Oh my God...get up and see what's going on..." so I rushed to the TV and saw the WTC in smoke after the first plane hit it. Then a few minutes later I saw the 2nd plane hit and I remember saying to her something along the lines of "...this is like Pearl Harbor, we are at war." The rest of the day as well as the next few I sat glued to the TV trying to wrap my head around what had happened. I will never forget that day, I still get teary eyed and angry to this day when I think about all the death and destruction that took place. I will never forget the uneasy feeling of what is next, the quietness on the streets, the flags flying everywhere...the whole thing was very surreal.

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I also remember my volunteer fire company had a candle light vigil for all the emergency workers who lost their lives that day. I broke down and bawled my eyes out. 5 months prior to the attack I swore into the Army and was in the delayed entry program. Nine years later and I still get chills and cry when I watch anything about that day. I have yet to watch that movie "United 93" and probably never will.

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I was working at a dealership body shop in Farifax, VA at the time. One of the salesmen ran into the body shop office and said a plane had hit the WTC, and they had the TV in the customer lounge tuned to coverage. The dealership is located on Rt 50, only about 10 miles from the Pentagon, and I can remember clearly the fire trucks, ambulances, and other emergency vehicles rushing from neighboring citys, towns, and counties rushing toward DC for hours following the attack on the Pentagon.

I was 20 years old at the time, my son was in a day care center in Ashburn, VA and my wife was out of town on a work retreat. My mom was working for EDS in Herndon, VA which leased space out to the FAA. I was able to get a hold of my mom, and arranged for her to pick up my son from day care, and take him back to her house. I left work and headed home as fast as I could, and it ended up taking nearly 3 hours to cover the 20 some miles to my mom's house. I was listening to Don & Mike on WJFK while all of this was going on, and a caller got through to them and said something about a bomb at the Leesburg, VA Air Route Traffic Control Center which was less than 3 miles from my parent's house. Fortunately, nothing ever came of that...

About a week later, I had a customer come in to the body shop for an estimate on his car, and he identified himself as a Major in the Army. I asked if he knew anyone at the Pentagon that day, and he told me not only was he there, he had been one of the people that pulled people out of the building. He told me this as he was rolling up his sleeves to reveal the cuts, scrapes, and bruises on his forearms.

I will NEVER forget.

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My wife woke me up to tell me the first plane hit, I was on 3rd shift then. I stumbled out and saw the aftermath and as soon as I laid back down (thinking it was an accident) the 2nd hit and she came in crying telling me about it.

Like everyone else it was a sobering, surreal and awful thing to witness.

I had been on the WTC observation deck just a month prior on a business trip, we went over to see it, I still had my lift ticket from going in my bags. Sure made me think.

I still get angry when I see those images, seems like a lot of people in this country want that whole event to be our fault.

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