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Palin more favorable than obama?

kawi kid

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Yes and I believe that is true because the left went way to far left and therefore left their base in the new center.

Moderates aren't in some new center. Moderates are where they've always been. The left for a while now has been closer to center than the right has. The Tea Party is the perfect example of the right pushing even farther right. There are a couple of good graphs showing where everyone sits, but I can never remember the magical Google keywords that makes them easier to find without wading through tons of unrelated graphs. I'll see if I can find them as the day goes by.

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But if you wanna call her support the tea party then I don't know if I would call it the minority, more and more independents are running that way each day it seems. I know how you feel about the tea party but it is getting more attention. Look at how the rnc is reacting after mcdonnell won that primary, I think they finally realized that is the way people want the party run, no more reaching across the isle.


But the whole time leading up to the primary and even til now nobody has challenged her on issues? All they wanna do is talk about her dabbling in witch craft in high school, why? If she is so bad why won't they challenge her on issues and prove her to be bad for the country. Scott brown is a moderate, but when a state that us nearly purple its so democratic, its great to get just a moderate right? Lol


Textbook examples.

Personally speaking, O'Donnell politically isn't long for this world. When you flaunt FEC laws like she has and become the treasurer to your own campaign (a no-no) and basically live off campaign funds MONTHS after your campaign is over (a bigger no-no), something tells me the powers that be in the GOP will have her step aside.

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I see double post man has been here again... (that must be why his post count is so damn high)

I think the polls are a little misleading...

sarah palin *may* be more popular than Obama, but the presidency isn't a popularity contest. Like bill maher said on tuesday, when people get in the voting booth, most of them get scared, they realize the gravity of the situation. They vote for who they think will be a better leader.

snooky is popular, doesn't mean she should go into politics.

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All the blow hards are either far left or far right. Its kinda difficult for moderates to stand up and go - hell yeah, we are in the center! Whee! Ha ha! Kinda hard to generate excitement about that.

10/30/10 national mall

"i disagree with you, but i don't think you're hitler"

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Moderates aren't in some new center. Moderates are where they've always been. The left for a while now has been closer to center than the right has. The Tea Party is the perfect example of the right pushing even farther right. There are a couple of good graphs showing where everyone sits, but I can never remember the magical Google keywords that makes them easier to find without wading through tons of unrelated graphs. I'll see if I can find them as the day goes by.

Do you agree that the left had gone more left at the same time?

I think with the tea party going more right that leaves the so called rhino republicans behind, and the same goes for the left leaving the blue dogs to the center also.

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Do you agree that the left had gone more left at the same time?

I think with the tea party going more right that leaves the so called rhino republicans behind, and the same goes for the left leaving the blue dogs to the center also.

I don't believe the left has gone more left. It might seem that way in comparison to how wacky the conservatives have gotten, but I really can't see anything that would indicate that.

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Textbook examples.

Personally speaking, O'Donnell politically isn't long for this world. When you flaunt FEC laws like she has and become the treasurer to your own campaign (a no-no) and basically live off campaign funds MONTHS after your campaign is over (a bigger no-no), something tells me the powers that be in the GOP will have her step aside.

How is my argument out of ignorance? Is it cuz I don't agree?

And mags I think I got the double posting figured out now lol

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Do you agree that the left had gone more left at the same time?

I think with the tea party going more right that leaves the so called rhino republicans behind, and the same goes for the left leaving the blue dogs to the center also.

Nope. Cheech already said it but it's the right's hard push even farther right that makes it seem like that.

Nothing like Republicans using the term RINO because they aren't far right enough. Sorry but I don't want a bunch of nut cases trying to institute a Theocracy or yelling small government while trying to legislate their odd version of morality and a lot of Republicans don't want it either. That doesn't make them RINO's that makes them more level headed Republicans.

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If the 2012 presidential election ticket is Obama vs Palin, I'm gonna barf.

Palin is a one term small town mayor and a half term governor, and nothing but a blow hard. She is less experienced than Obama. What does she know about the ecomomy, foreign policy, military and fighting a war in Afghanistan? Zero, nada, Zilch. Palin as potus scares the hell outta me.

btw - l lean right too.

You and I are on the same page, but as someone else correctly said, I'd rather vote for a fence post than Obama.

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How is my argument out of ignorance? Is it cuz I don't agree?

And mags I think I got the double posting figured out now lol

No, it's the way you structured your argument. Read the link and you'll understand. A snip: "asserts that a proposition is necessarily true because it has not been proven false (or vice versa)"

/edit Or even better:

Arguments from ignorance

(Draws a conclusion based on lack of knowledge or evidence without accounting for all possibilities)

  • "I take the view that this lack (of enemy subversive activity in the west coast) is the most ominous sign in our whole situation. It convinces me more than perhaps any other factor that the sabotage we are to get, the Fifth Column activities are to get, are timed just like Pearl Harbor... I believe we are just being lulled into a false sense of security." - Then California's Attorney General Earl Warren (before a congressional hearing in San Francisco on 21 February, 1942)

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I see what you are saying but I feel the right had to move father right to balance the left moving further left. Just my opinion again. And I only use rhino since its pretty much mainstream description now.

How has the left moved farther left? Please, cite examples.

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No, it's the way you structured your argument. Read the link and you'll understand. A snip: "asserts that a proposition is necessarily true because it has not been proven false (or vice versa)"

/edit Or even better:

Arguments from ignorance

(Draws a conclusion based on lack of knowledge or evidence without accounting for all possibilities)

  • "I take the view that this lack (of enemy subversive activity in the west coast) is the most ominous sign in our whole situation. It convinces me more than perhaps any other factor that the sabotage we are to get, the Fifth Column activities are to get, are timed just like Pearl Harbor... I believe we are just being lulled into a false sense of security." - Then California's Attorney General Earl Warren (before a congressional hearing in San Francisco on 21 February, 1942)

So free thinking and starting opinions is arguments of ignorance?

there had not been any argument so far just discussion on stances or opinions.

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I hate that hot goofy bitch and will not be voting for her in a primary. (I couldn't anyway because I'm registered independent.). If she gets the nomination of her party I will have to vote for her though. Not because I think she is a leader but because I think she will do her parties bidding and that party line fits my views more closely than the opposition. There hasn't been a leader elected since Reagan, plenty party hacks but no leaders.


I score an 87 on this quiz so I think the Tea Party is a bunch of lefties. The wording on some of these questions is terrible but scoring all 0's or all 10's on all questions give you a middle of the road score so it does have some ring of truth to it. I wish they would have put illegal immigration in the question as an example.

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How has the left moved farther left? Please, cite examples.

If we wanna beat a dead horse we could start with health care . Or buying auto companies. basing new legislation on stuff that has been proven a lie (global warming). All those things to me seem way way left and nearly socialist.

This is just a quick answer got real busy real fast. Ill try to return to it later.

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If we wanna beat a dead horse we could start with health care . Or buying auto companies. basing new legislation on stuff that has been proven a lie (global warming). All those things to me seem way way left and nearly socialist.

This is just a quick answer got real busy real fast. Ill try to return to it later.

I have to agree.

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So free thinking and starting opinions is arguments of ignorance?

there had not been any argument so far just discussion on stances or opinions.

Main Entry: argument Part of Speech: noun Definition: effort to convince; presentation of support Synonyms: argumentation, assertion, case, claim, contention, debate, defense, discussion, exchange, expostulation, grounds, line of reasoning, logic, plea, pleading, polemic, proof, questioning, reason, reasoning, remonstrance, remonstration

I'm not saying we're having an argument in that I'm going to come over there and kick your ass (then run away like a little girl before cdubyah gets me ;) ), we're having an argument in that we discuss differences of opinion but provide arguments why we think the way we do. If you're talking about "free thinking", I can think and talk about anything I want. For instance, how does Barry Hussein Fartbongo even still have the presidency since it's not even proven he is a citizen? (the whole argument of which is a classic example of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moving_the_goalpost)

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