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Navy Bombs Guam With Dead Frozen Mice


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In a ploy to rid Guam of its population of invasive brown tree snakes, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is bombing the island with drugged frozen mice, military news outlet Stars and Stripes reported.

Using Naval Base Guam as a starting point, scientists drop mice packed with acetaminophen from helicopters into the jungle canopy.


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By outfitting the mice with cardboard wings and green party streams, the bait could float down to the jungle and catch on the branches.


It's a cover for the military's top secret genetics experiment...

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Snakes on Guam is a serious problem. Since accidentally introduced, the venomous snakes have managed to eat everything possible. Many of the other animals are wiped out, including the birds. The snakes ate all the eggs. There are no predators for the snakes. Personally I'd introduce mongooses, but that's just me.

Edited by ReconRat
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Snakes on Guam is a serious problem. Since accidentally introduced, the venomous snakes have managed to eat everything possible. Many of the other animals are wiped out, including the birds. The snakes ate all the eggs. There are no predators for the snakes. Personally I'd introduce mongooses, but that's just me.

Haha, take the role playing game approach. Is that the Kings Quest 5 method of killing the snake?

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Haha, take the role playing game approach. Is that the Kings Quest 5 method of killing the snake?

ummm, I dunno, I don't even know what Kings Quest is. Guess I'm not a gamer.

Putting mongooses on Guam would be worse than the snakes.

The mongooses would eat everything...

Something more like "Night of the Living Dead".

Which is probably why I suggested it, heheh.

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Snakes on Guam is a serious problem. Since accidentally introduced, the venomous snakes have managed to eat everything possible. Many of the other animals are wiped out, including the birds. The snakes ate all the eggs. There are no predators for the snakes. Personally I'd introduce mongooses, but that's just me.

A few sterile male mongoose (mongeese?) would be a solid idea. No chance of reproduction, and they'll die of old age at a given point. Meaning whatever ecological havoc they wreak will have a definitive end.

It would also be cheaper than bombing guam with drugged up frozen mice.


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