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Anyone ridden to Cass West Virginia?


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My dad and I are heading out to Cass, WV on Sunday. We are leaving from Dayton. It looks like it is going to be a FULL day of riding to get there. We are planning three days, hopefully that will be enough.

We plan to take one of the train rides on Monday, and then do some riding in the area. Then we will head back on Tuesday.

Has anyone been there before? Are there any must see's or must do's?

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Hard to find bad roads around Cass! As mentioned 219 is awesome, not to be missed. 50 is also great where it winds through the Mongongohela up north of there.

I'd ride 16 down to Gauley Bridge then catch 60 over to Lewisburg, head north to Cass...that's a great way to go down, very pretty....you can also dip down to Fayetteville and go down the canyon road under the New River Gorge bridge...very cool, hop back on 19 up to 60...makes for a nice diversion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for taking so long to report back on our trip.

We took 50 from Chilicothe all the way over to Clarksburg, then 79 South to 33. From there we went East to Elkins and then 219 south to Mingo.

We stayed at the Brazenhead Inn. The rooms are small, but they are clean, and the owners are very nice.

The second day we went to Cass and took the train ride. My dad really enjoyed it. We spent a couple hours there. We talked to one of the guys working there that told us that WV sweeps the corners on the roads a couple times a year. He warned us that when the sign says a curve is 25mph, they mean it. He is right.

We picked up a flyer put out by West Virginia that had some nice routes listed for the area. We took one that ran us down to 39, and then across to 219. 39 was really nice. Almost anything that runs east and west will be fun.

The last day we took 15 west out of Valley Head and over to Webster Springs (nice town). Then we hit 20 south to Cowen and 82 North to 19. This whole leg 15 to 20 to 82 was a blast! It was up and down, and turn turn turn on good roads.

From 19, we hit 79 to Charleston and then 35 north back to Chilicothe.

It was a great, way too short trip. The views were beautiful, the people were really nice, and the roads were lots of fun.

We did find out that it is hard to find dinner around Cass. Not much down there. And after 5:PM, the deer come out in droves. The worst part was that they aren't afraid of people, cars, or motorcycles.

We will definitely do the ride again, but we will spend more time there next time.

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