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Hahaha! Anybody want one!?


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That is sweet, and not far from the truth. Funny story:

Guy at my dad's work had a Valkyrie. Some friends of his were planning a trip to a Rally in NC and ask him if he wants to come.

He is expecting to ride down and they tell that they have a big trailer and are taking all 8 bikes down and have room for his.

So they get to the hotel and he says lets unload the bikes (50 miles from the Rally spot), they say they are going to trailer the bikes to the Rally.

He says fine (makes mind up to ride back) and after they get his bike out he never puts it back in the trailer. So they trailered down, drove to within 10 miles of rally got bikes out and rode the rest of the way. After rally loaded bikes back up and trailered back to hotel.

Funniest part is that each one of them had their bikes packed like they had rode the whole way. Dufflebags, Saddle bags full, etc....

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