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Well that was a flop...


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Well that was a flop. I was wrong. vB4 just isn't fully stable yet. I figured after 8 releases we'd be good to go. I was wrong. Server load averages were 4.X - 10.X. That's just not feasible. Loads like that, with the few of you up right now viewing the site? Yeah. I couldn't even run my update counter scripts. It kept timing out. So, back to the drawing board I guess. Sorry the site was down so long. I really thought we had all the bugs worked out this time.

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Would it be worth the time and effort to TRY to fix the errors instead of switching to something new all together? I mean you did say that you put 8 months into this one so far.

I keep telling myself the next release will be better. It just isn't. Each time they fix something, something else breaks. In all honesty, I'll probably just leave it at 3.8 for as long as I can. Maybe 4.1 will be better.

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Server load averages were 4.X - 10.X. That's just not feasible. Loads like that, with the few of you up right now viewing the site?

It looked cool while it was up! With all the dual/quad hex core machines around maybe they aren't as worried about efficiency as they used to be?

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I have a dual quad-core xeon with 16gb ram running this site.

So why is it so slow, then? :lol:

Seriously though, as discussed before, the current version runs well for so many other forums, some of which make OR look tiny!

Thanks for all the hard work that you put into trying to make the site even better! :bow:

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The only thing I know is that I keep wanting to click the new supporter/sponsor/ mod icons and expect them to take me to some magical place down the rabbit hole or somethin' like that. ;)

Get to work on that instead of spending weeks of your time working on and improving the site, slacker. ;)

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The only thing I know is that I keep wanting to click the new supporter/sponsor/ mod icons and expect them to take me to some magical place down the rabbit hole or somethin' like that. ;)

Get to work on that instead of spending weeks of your time working on and improving the site, slacker. ;)

On that note, they COULD point to the supporters forum for supporters, mod/admin page for those fucktards, the sposor's section for them... But that's probably a lot of work for the friendly cracker.

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The outage was unacceptable!!! I was forced to interact in the real world yesterday evening... I had no idea what I was doing there! I got punched in the face at least five times!!!

Apparently my "Johnny Big Balls" status extends so far as the Ohio Riders politics forum...

Seriously though, I don't see too many problems with the current forum setup on the user end. Keep up the good work, if you need help/beer let me know.

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