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QS&L Warriors Breakfast Buffet. Sunday Nov. 7th 2010. 10AM


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Sunday, November 7 · 10:00am - 12:00pm at Quaker Steak & LUBE, 8500 Lyra Drive, Columbus.....(Polaris)

Each $5 Buffet Sold goes to the Ohio Military Assistance Program!

Cash Check or Charge! Do we need to say more?

Cya at The LUBE! Rich, The LUBE Guy


I hope OR has a great turn out to help support those who have defended our freedoms.


Edited by jagr
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Does qsl normally serve breakfast? I was wondering if they are serving their normal foods or pancakes and French toast

I know on the Rolling Freedom ride we ended at QS&L and they had eggs, bacon, sausage then. Of course I think Casper got some wings too IIRC. Or maybe he was just trying the sauce...

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Well I was there the whole time.... Didn't see ANY one else show up.... I am really disappointed in the lack of follow through with O.R. On this fund raiser.... I understand people have busy lives but, I figure more then one member can make it out to an event like this... Especially factoring how many of us have served...

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What you mean by follow thru, there was only 2 peeps gonna be there and one said he wouldnt make it before hand.

That's what I was thinking. You're disappointed in OR because two people said they were going and didn't? Really? All of OR is classified as two people? :confused:

I'm disappointed then too. Nobody came over and helped me scrub my deck. :D

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I'm disappointed because out of 4 thousand people only 1 showed up.... And for a very worthy cause.... I don't get this anymore.... Everyone bitches that we never do anything as a group then when an event comes along everyone has something better to do... Fine you tools think I'm wrong ... I really don't care...

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Nobody came over and helped me scrub my deck. :D

Is that what you call it...

We should ban Chebby for not showing. :villagers:

Only if you get banned too. :D

I'm disappointed because out of 4 thousand people only 1 showed up.... And for a very worthy cause.... I don't get this anymore.... Everyone bitches that we never do anything as a group then when an event comes along everyone has something better to do... Fine you tools think I'm wrong ... I really don't care...

How many out of 4k members actually log on here? I know it's no where near 4k.

I don't think there are too many members on here that are very vocal in their support. It goes as far as "Yeah, I support them". I can think of quite a few more that probably don't care one way or another. When stuff gets posted up that is geared towards the military or vets, it may get a handful of replies. But if it's about politics, or a hot new girl shows signs up, or there is a someone is acting like an idiot, the post count skyrockets.

The lack of OR people showing up for this doesn't surprise me. Rolling Freedom had a good turn out but then again, motorcycles were involved. Having nothing to do with my status as a vet, it saddens me that veterans don't get the support and recognition they deserve, not just on ORDN but across the country. But then again, the freedom to make that decision has been fought for and died for which is why Westboro Church is allowed to continue with their views.

Yeah, I didn't make this today. I wanted to but shit happens. I support my fellow brothers in arms, but most of that support no one here will ever hear about.

All that being said, I know there are those on here that support the troops. I've talked with many of you personally, you know who you are. I thank you and ask that you will always continue to support them. Much of the support given today comes from the older generations of veterans. They know what it is like to come back from combat and be spit upon. They have taught their children to show their support. But for many people it is no different then how in the days following 9/11 everyone flew the flag. Slowly, that patriotism died. If we were to be invaded, the entire country would be behind the troops. Once the threat was neutralized, patriotism would again die off. Thats how Americans are nowadays.


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I'm disappointed because out of 4 thousand people only 1 showed up.... And for a very worthy cause.... I don't get this anymore.... Everyone bitches that we never do anything as a group then when an event comes along everyone has something better to do... Fine you tools think I'm wrong ... I really don't care...

Seriously, you need to chill. It wasn't an OR event. It wasn't a motorcycle event. And it was on a Sunday morning. Yeah, people had better / other things to do. Myself included. It isn't like fifty people said they were going then didn't show dude. Two vets said they were going, then didn't. And you're going to sit there and bash everyone for not going, including the two veterans who obviously did have something better to do? Really? Where were you for the care package drive for local Marines? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=67664

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Seriously, you need to chill. It wasn't an OR event. It wasn't a motorcycle event. And it was on a Sunday morning. Yeah, people had better / other things to do. Myself included. It isn't like fifty people said they were going then didn't show dude. Two vets said they were going, then didn't. And you're going to sit there and bash everyone for not going, including the two veterans who obviously did have something better to do? Really? Where were you for the care package drive for local Marines? http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=67664

pwnd. that is all.

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