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B.O.B. (Bug out bag)

kawi kid

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So did you ever put one together? What did you end up putting in?

yeah I have a backback that is set up. That tan one, you've seen it. ka-bar, mess kit, silverware, assorted wire, ropes and string, small binos, set of camo clothing, magnesium strip, camping soap, camo netting, TP, small two man tent, folding shovel, hydration system...there's other stuff but I can't think of it.

Then I have a footlocker with bigger stuff for longer time periods. Towels, 4 man tent, ballistic helmet, more rope, string and wire, more camo clothing, sleeping bag, cold weather gear. Again more stuff I can't think of.

The biggest thing I need to get is MREs along with few other small things. I can get you a better list later.

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I have two, one double rifle bag and the other is full of essentials!

.223 ammo 12ga ammo .45 ammo and .44 ammo medic kit knives few utencils and small tool kit.

The only thing is... I can't figure out how to carry the rifle bag on the bike? The essentials bag is basically a fullsize backpack so that is no biggie. The rifle bag though? hmmm...

I think the biggest part of the entire process is figuring out which weapons I will be taking and which I will have to leave behind? So many decisions.

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all this zombie, alien and apocolypse talk makes me want to branch out our company into building apocolypse shelters. Could be lucrative :)

That "Conspiracy Theory" show with Jesse Ventura talked about companies that are building these type shelters in some of the old missle silos & interviewed one of the builders. He had acquired rights to the silo, they actually took the film crew down into it, he had blueprints & architectural renderings.... But no construction yet. His were kinda gonna be like apartment complexes

Edited by Fonzie
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That "Conspiracy Theory" show with Jesse Ventura talked about companies that are building these type shelters in some of the old missle silos & interviewed one of the builders. He had acquired rights to the silo, they actually took the film crew down into it, he had blueprints & architectural renderings.... But no construction yet. His were kinda gonna be like apartment complexes

oh damn thats advanced. I was thinking dig out a whole, subcontract out cement work for walls and floor since we get it on the cheap already and then offer like sweet shelving and firearm/ammo storage solutions :)

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If life comes to you having to use a bug-out-bag, someone's going to pick you off and take your bug-out-bag, and then someone's going to pick him off for the bug-out-bag.

Just raid the store for some steaks and charcoal and have a huge cookout!

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I was in a conversation where the question was asked, "What would you do if you knew the world was going to end in a week?" My only question was, "Who else knows?"

If I'm the only one who knows, I'm traveling. If everybody knows, I'm loading all my weapons and battening down the hatches...then raid the store for steaks and charcoal.

Edited by hue jass
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I was in a conversation where the question was asked, "What would you do if you knew the world was going to end in a week?" My only question was, "Who else knows?"

If I'm the only one who knows, I'm traveling. If everybody knows, I'm loading all my weapons and battening down the hatches...then raid the store for steaks and charcoal.

See, that's the thing. If everyone knows the world is going to end or zombies attack or the Koreans invade, all hell will break loose. I don't want to be out raiding the stores with a million other people. I want to already be setup in my safe area.

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I say again... get one or two of the books that describe all the vegetation that is edible in our area of Ohio. Learn it.

I'm pretty sure weapons would only be needed for a short time. Darwin takes care of that.

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I say again... get one or two of the books that describe all the vegetation that is edible in our area of Ohio. Learn it.

I'm pretty sure weapons would only be needed for a short time. Darwin takes care of that.

Quoted for truth but will add weapons are for long term as well. Hunting would be a top priority.

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Water in the basement, with some dried food also have a good stock of canned food.. Have my guns/ammo stored down there two. If the shit hits the fan I am not going anywhere at first besides my basement. After the area empties out some I will head outdoors then. I also keep like 20 gals of gas at most times in cans. would be good to get me out of the city atleast and out to the country somewhere safer.

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