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Apocalypse PA


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Have any of you seen this new show on History? It is about a family that are using old methods and creating/building their own ways to be self sufficient in case of a collapse of civilization. They built a truck that runs on wood chips or really any burning organic material (ie horse manure). It is a pretty cool show, this episode right now they are building a distillery to create alcohol on hand for fuel, medicinal use, and as a trade commodity. They also bought old hand guns that they can fire with black powder and they bought the mold to cast their own lead balls.

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I hunt my friend's farm in Perry County. I look around at corn, beans, and lots of furry critters. Then over at the oil well, natural gas "well", and flowing stream. The city folk are screwed for sure. Once all of the stores have been looted (first 5 minutes after the first "maybe we're headed for trouble " is announced), mayhem will ensue. It rained in New Orleans a few years ago and look what happened.

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I hunt my friend's farm in Perry County. I look around at corn, beans, and lots of furry critters. Then over at the oil well, natural gas "well", and flowing stream. The city folk are screwed for sure. Once all of the stores have been looted (first 5 minutes after the first "maybe we're headed for trouble " is announced), mayhem will ensue. It rained in New Orleans a few years ago and look what happened.

I found that funny. Anyway yea im sure it will turn into "The Road" situation and people start turning towards cannibalism

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Watched a couple episodes this weekend. Frank is hilarious! I think the dude's a blue collar genius... Literally!

Although... What kind of idiot puts goats in the house?? :wtf:

Laughed my a$$ off when they started pissin' on the couch & crappin' all over the rug :lol:

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Anyway yea im sure it will turn into "The Road" situation and people start turning towards cannibalism

Watched that over the weekend...

Too much for words. As the father of 4, one being a small child... I had a knot in my stomach the whole movie... Especially the end

Too realistic... Too full of despair

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Watched that over the weekend...

Too much for words. As the father of 4, one being a small child... I had a knot in my stomach the whole movie... Especially the end

Too realistic... Too full of despair

Yea I just hope nothing like that happens in any of our lifetime

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