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Thought our government was shady? Just wait...


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The rest of them will be posted starting today on Wiki Leaks:


Wow. I think this is going to have some serious repercussions.

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So what do you you guys think the punishments should be for those who leak this kind of information? I'm torn on it, I am glad that some things are being brought to light but at the same time some things may have major repercussions. Do you believe this guy who supplied the information did a good or bad thing?

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Well hopefully it will wake up middle America who buy into the benevolent USA mentality. If Obama wants a fresh and open approach to governance, well here it is.


You all wanted change. All you got was smoke and mirrors.

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You'd better specify the "you all". Please do not lump me into the hopey, changey crowd. :D

Yea... I dunno who "you all" is... there are other reasons beyond "hope and change" why people would vote for Obama over McCain.

Furthermore, you can't broad brush this singular aspect of politics (which, if you read the articles, is how the game has always been played, just not publicly exposed this way) and think Obama and his cabinet haven't changed American history.

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Yea... I dunno who "you all" is... there are other reasons beyond "hope and change" why people would vote for Obama over McCain.

Furthermore, you can't broad brush this singular aspect of politics (which, if you read the articles, is how the game has always been played, just not publicly exposed this way) and think Obama and his cabinet haven't changed American history.

What other reasons would you vote for Obama over McCain OR Chuck Baldwin OR Bob Barr OR Ralph Nadar? To do what your political party told you to do?

As for your second comment, I'm simply saying Obama lied. He promised hope and change, and government openness and transparency. As you so simply put, he's playing the same game the same way. No hope. No change. No government openness nor transparency. He, as Bush was, is just another puppet.

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What other reasons would you vote for Obama over McCain OR Chuck Baldwin OR Bob Barr OR Ralph Nadar? To do what your political party told you to do?

As for your second comment, I'm simply saying Obama lied. He promised hope and change, and government openness and transparency. As you so simply put, he's playing the same game the same way. No hope. No change. No government openness nor transparency. He, as Bush was, is just another puppet.


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I'm simply saying Obama lied. He promised hope and change, and government openness and transparency. As you so simply put, he's playing the same game the same way. No hope. No change. No government openness nor transparency. He, as Bush was, is just another puppet.

I don't think anyone here said Obama was incapable of lying. And there are aspects that have been made more open and transparent (white house logs, for example), and others more secure and confidential. There is probably never going to be 100% transparency from the gov't. But people would be delusional to think any candidate would promise transparency and openness when the matters concern these items in question (diplomatic cables) here.

That's like asking someone to vote for a candidate that promises to give away state secrets. I don't think a majority of Americans really want the US to show ALL their cards for the world to see.

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Almost everything I've read so far, was previously in the news, leaked to the news, or in news outside the USA. Or simply available from other sources of analysis. No real surprises so far.

The news was there, but no one was paying any attention at the time. Now people are, because this is "special".

edit: I guess I'm saying that this is the condensed version, the Reader's Digest of world politics.

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  • 1 year later...

You all wanted change. All you got was smoke and mirrors.

unless Mitt Romney is right :wtf:

then OBAMA is behind the government leaks...

covering up, and then leaking his own information, it's the perfect plan


Mitt Romney Accuses Obama Of Classified Material Leaks


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Different leaks grave digger.

Just noticed the headline in the paper, (and laughed hysterically) and tried to find a relevant thread to post in, rather than constantly filling up the politics section with more threads.

seemed like a good scenario, covering things up so you can leak them yourself...

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