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NASA to make astrobiology announcement on life in space


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I have no doubt their is other life out there. I hope there is. Here is one of my posts from an earlier thread:

I look at it like this. Ants make up 15–25% of the terrestrial animal biomass. More than 12,500 out of an estimated total of 22,000 species have been classified. That's a lot of fricking ants here on Earth. To the ant, Earth if enormous and the number of ants that have come into contact with humans is minuscule.

Humans are the ant. What we have seen and can do is minuscule when you compare it to the grand scheme of things. IMHO.

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they found a microbe near Yosemite that lives in a high salinity lake. What is unique about it is that it can use arsenic instead of phosphorous to sustain life. it does not seem to be sign of abiogenesis but rather an adaptation of preexisting life. what is more interesting than the announcement is the scientist they allowed to make this announcement. she is pretty far out in left field...

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What they forgot to say, is that it might not be pre-Earth life, maybe it's alien life here on Earth. From appearances, it just doesn't belong here.

Looking at it from yet another theory, all life comes from interstellar space, and lands on planets. Outer space isn't empty, it is life. We just don't know it yet.

edit moar fear: If that bacteria mutates to a form that can infect and live in animal hosts, it would probably kill us all, since it's arsenic based life.

Edited by ReconRat
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