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Obama administration's health care law unconstitutional, really


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non-issue. The meat and potatoes (what's left of them after the "compromises") are still there, but the Appeals court just removed the rotten spud that got through. Compelling coverage was a bullshit initiative to begin with, and I'm glad it got bitchslapped.

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Okay I'll bite, what's an ookie cookie?

Don't you read every post mode here? If not you should at least read all of mine.

You posted that he was going to let it go to trial and not dismiss it like most other judges have. I posted he deemed it unconstitutional today. It wasn't a repost amigo. Plus, you posted in a 9mo old thread. LOL

And ookie cookie... well... you're going to have to look it up. :lol:

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You posted that he was going to let it go to trial and not dismiss it like most other judges have. I posted he deemed it unconstitutional today. It wasn't a repost amigo. Plus, you posted in a 9mo old thread. LOL

And ookie cookie... well... you're going to have to look it up. :lol:

why the fuck did I click on that

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You're making a connection between riding a scooter in the snow and the forcing of all Americans to purchase healthcare?

Yea, it's all about the premise of the bigger picture, which I stated -- sometimes the right thing isn't necessarily the legal thing, and vice-versa.

There, I said it twice.

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Yea, it's all about the premise of the bigger picture, which I stated -- sometimes the right thing isn't necessarily the legal thing, and vice-versa.

There, I said it twice.

So you're saying forcing Americans to purchase insurance from private organizations is the right thing? Really?

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No, I'm saying the right thing is to do SOMETHING about this outrageous health care costs because for the level of care we pay for, we should have the best care in the world - and we don't when compared to other countries.

Insurance reform is WAY more important than health care reform. When your profit motive is to deny me care for something I'm paying you for, WTF is the point?

Edited by JRMMiii
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No, I'm saying the right thing is to do SOMETHING about this outrageous health care costs because for the level of care we pay for, we should have the best care in the world - and we don't when compared to other countries.

So, please explain the relevance between this thread and Flounder's which, and I quote, you say "sometimes the right thing isn't necessarily the legal thing, and vice-versa". This thread is about how a federal judge has ruled the portion of the Obamacare bill which requires Americans to purchase health insurance unconstitutional. You say this is like Flounder's thread where the right thing isn't always the legal thing. Please explain your point and/or relevance to this thread. Everyone agrees something needs to be done about the costs. That has nothing to do with this thread.

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Flounder argued that the guy was an idiot for riding a scooter in the snow.

Majority agreed, but nothing that was illegal. Therefore, illegal no, right thing to do, probably not, but that's not our decision to make.

Health insurance, right thing to do/have, probably, legal to go without it, yes.

But the difference in this case is that we ALL pay for the uninsured with regards to healthcare costs, so if the rest of us have to pay into a system that benefits people outside of the system, those people should also be mandated to pay their fair share. Not necessarily an equal amount, but their fair share.

...and we're heading down another debate with a bunch of hypotheticals and false equivalencies, when the bottom line is, we - as Americans - are the cost leader in health care, but have neither the best health, longest lives, or highest quality of life when compared to other countries.

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