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if you need an invite let me know and ill send you one...best site to download from, and no bullshit trackers that will get you busted by your ISP

i NEVER use piratebay, for the exact reason youre talking about...i dont want caught

invite me is you would.

I figure, that I have been flagged. So I need to change my IP, I thought about cancelling my service with TW an getting a new one but I dont think they would allow me to. Next thought was to get a separate service to DL with I think we have verizon here an keeping my TW just for my gaming. (yes, Iam that big of a nerd.) Last thoguth was to try to boost my Wifi on my laptop to pick up the free wifi from the hosp. only problem is that I use my desktop to DL with. They make wifi things for desktops that plug into the usb right?

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if you need an invite let me know and ill send you one...best site to download from, and no bullshit trackers that will get you busted by your ISP

i NEVER use piratebay, for the exact reason youre talking about...i dont want caught

:plus1: Demonoid rocks!

invite me is you would.

I figure, that I have been flagged. So I need to change my IP, I thought about cancelling my service with TW an getting a new one but I dont think they would allow me to. Next thought was to get a separate service to DL with I think we have verizon here an keeping my TW just for my gaming. (yes, Iam that big of a nerd.) Last thoguth was to try to boost my Wifi on my laptop to pick up the free wifi from the hosp. only problem is that I use my desktop to DL with. They make wifi things for desktops that plug into the usb right?

I'd go with your phone company and get DSL for a while. "Borrowing" Wifi is probably not going to work out very well for you. They most likely block certain types of traffic anyway, making their guest access worthless for you. Also, if it's anything like Mt. Carmel East's guest network, the download speeds are pretty slow, and they make you keep having to accept their terms every few hours or so, similar to the page you were sent to with TW.

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yes they make plug in usb things

ill PM you an invitation code and you use it to create an account there...when you make account it will have you plug in the code

they cant just not let you drop their service can they? TW sucks anyways, arent they losing fox? get insight and get road runner turbo...excellent service and speed and i DL tons and tons of shit and never got a letter lol....i dont even use peerblock or anything

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yes they make plug in usb things

ill PM you an invitation code and you use it to create an account there...when you make account it will have you plug in the code

they cant just not let you drop their service can they? TW sucks anyways, arent they losing fox? get insight and get road runner turbo...excellent service and speed and i DL tons and tons of shit and never got a letter lol....i dont even use peerblock or anything

I figure I can drop them anytime but they are the best thing around for internet around here for geeking. I dont think I could drop them an then pick them back up again. I talked to a buddy that is computer smarts an he said that what more then likely happened was the movie company set up a tracker in the file I was downloading (salt bluray) then sent a list of IP address to TW for them to send the message out. He is currently writing a program that will download torrent automaticly for you (new episode an seasons) or something like that an told me when he is done with that he is going to make a program/site for downloading that doesnt allow user ip address to be seen by the program so that here is no way for companies to track them ( he was going a million miles an hour an I had no idea what he was talking about for most of the conversation...)

They also make add-in, internal wifi cards, which you can add better antenna's, maybe even put an antenna outside!

that might be an idea!

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only down side with the hospital is that they probably monitor their trafficand they will have no problem turning your mac adress over to the authorities.

Yeah, at my university we just shut ya down. We have a company that sends us email warnings of high traffic IP addresses and most of the time they are people downloading stuff. We know if it's a game system, because we have their MAC address to compare it to. I'm sure the hospital does the same....

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