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Stolen CBR Shittygsxr please read


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I have heard that all bikes stolen in the Columbus area are in an undisclosed warehouse in cardboard boxes.

Geez, there aren't that many warehouses in the area. But seriously, I'd want to check who was buying large cardboard boxes first...

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I hope for my sake you are wrong about the warehouses. I'm from a small town and I just moved here a couple of years ago and never thought anything like this would happen. The crazy thing is my neighbors seen some things and told me what they seen and I had a few anonymous calls and all of the info that I gathered so far falls in line with what shittygsxr has told me. Where I live is not a place where theres much traffic "unless you live there," and people just wouldn't drive by my house so the neighbors had to know something and they told me some things that I don't want to air out on here and low and behold my bike was gone the next day. Shittygsxr is helping me out a great deal and I hope we can locate my bike as well as some others that have been stolen. Hopefully if the info I gathered is correct, the police will help and numerous people will get their stolen property back. Crossing my fingers!

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  • 2 weeks later...
have ya heard anything about your bike any leads i wish i lived in cbus i would help ya

No I haven't heard anything. Shittygsxr has been helping me, but no new leads. Really sucks. Sucks people have to steal bikes that people work hard to buy.

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