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Palin's double standards


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As a half term Governor, we seldom look to what David Patterson has to say on any issues. Why is Palin any different? At least he finished his half term as Governor, which is better than Palin can say. Ill informed, and delusional at best...

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UGH.. Adolph Hitler was a leftist. How many fracking times do we have to go over this?

Assange is an ass-sponge' date=' but I like his style. Not sure why she thinks he should be arrested for espionage, though. He's not a spy.[/quote']

She doesn't think he should be arrested for espionage, as far as I know, I think that she believes he should be arrested for treason, which is really just another example of her ignorance.

Hitler, by the way, was not a leftist. You can go over it again and again, and it still won't be true. He certainly wasn't extreme right, but nearly all of his political beliefs were right leaning. I'm not sure how the Hitler/left myth started (I suspect a desire to link Nazism and liberalism), but it's just that, and has little basis in reality. Stalin, on the other hand, was far left, which may be where the confusion lies.

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