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Jam cell phones-This could be fun


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I want one for possibility to disable tracking devices. I've read instances where the cops put tracking devices on cars while they're in the suspects driveway. It'd be good for peace of mind knowing that the tracking devices can be disabled.

With homeland security targeting veterans, gun owners, and anyone that believes in the constitution; devices combatting surveillance will become increasingly important.





Which leads me to ask: Are they coming to get you, or are you just completely paranoid?

Public service announcement: Radio waves travel a lot farther than you think they do. If you use this in your house, if your neighbors are close by chances are pretty good their phones are going to get jammed as well, or at least be severely diminished.

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Youre not combating surveillance by using a cell jammer because you cant make calls either thus their is nothing to surveill. Their is a substantial cost to:

A. Having the equipment capable of intercepting cell calls

B. Jamming the entire spectrum of signals that are used.

C. Lets not forget that its extremely illegal to do so.

Bingo. You think the frequencies cell towers use plus 2.4/5.2Ghz are the only ones on the planet?

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The jammer that I linked to also jams gps; that's what I'm really interested in. I'm not really paranoid. I just like the idea of being prepared for unlikely scenarios; it's fun. Plus I like unusual gadgets.

Actually jamming the cell frequencies would prevent surveillance if your smart phone has remote access. I've read of instances where smart phones are remotely turned on and used to monitor without the smart phone's owner's knowledge. In this instance they aren't monitoring cell conversations, but actual conversations.

Edited by alienpi
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The jammer that I linked to also jams gps; that's what I'm really interested in. I'm not really paranoid. I just like the idea of being prepared for unlikely scenarios; it's fun. Plus I like unusual gadgets.

Actually jamming the cell frequencies would prevent surveillance if your smart phone has remote access. I've read of instances where smart phones are remotely turned on and used to monitor without the smart phone's owner's knowledge.

No you havent. Youve heard its possible via the tv and interwebz links but thats its. No documented cases of it being exploited. FYI, if someone has the equipment to intercept your cell signals, they sure as hell have the ability to intercept the wireless signals coming from your smart phone. Hell, I can snag your wireless signals.

Think about it for a min. If they can intercept the more complicated signals and decrypt the encryption algorithms for your cell communications, what makes you think they cant get those simple wireless signals that the average person can intercept.

i love unusual gadgets as well but this one can land you in the slammer with a boatload of fines if youre not careful. In essance, you will end up with a device that is borderline illegal to own because you cant legally turn it on and if you do ever turn it on is 100% illegal.

Edited by flounder
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And none of that article is fact. It even says its opinion.

Is it possible, most likely. Probable for the average person, most likely not.

Do you have something to hide?

So once again, it goes back to having a device that is illegal to turn on. Oh and if you are being monitored, they will know the second you flip the on switch on one of those thus once again reason for arrest.

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Is it possible, most likely. Probable for the average person, most likely not.

Do you have something to hide?

I have a degree in computer forensics and security. I've always been interested in countering system intrusions and gadgets that the bad guys use.

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I have a degree in computer forensics and security. I've always been interested in countering system intrusions and gadgets that the bad guys use.

Oh really? Then why the conspiracy theory:

With homeland security targeting veterans, gun owners, and anyone that believes in the constitution; devices combatting surveillance will become increasingly important.
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Thats why i put "another reason", but yea the government has a new devise that can see into houses and lead paint is almost the only thing it cant see through. or so ive heard.

You've heard wrong. Stop reading freerepublic/NRO.

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