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Allergic to the foam on goggles


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Years ago I bought a pair of dirt bike goggles. They are Oakley brand and I think they are MX O-Frame goggles. (I remember they were $20 or $25 when I bought them.) I don't remember if the box said the foam was/is anti-allergy or not.

It seems my allergic skin reaction (itching & burning where the foam contacts my face) to the foam on the goggles has gotten worse over time (start to notice it after about 5-10 minutes) and now is rendering the goggles virtually un-usable.

Long story short, anyone know of goggles for people with allergies? Or had the same type of allergy issue and replaced goggles with a different brand that didn't cause a reaction?


Edited by palandor
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Bobster Touring II Goggles - Amber, Clear, or Smoke - claimed non allergenic




There are also non allergenic sky diving goggles that look pretty cool.

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  ReconRat said:
Bobster Touring II Goggles - Amber, Clear, or Smoke - claimed non allergenic

There are also non allergenic sky diving goggles that look pretty cool.

You mean you can simply search the internet for something you're looking for and it pops right up?! Unbelievable! Big ups Tom!! Big ups

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oops, ok, dirtbike non allergenic (claims hypo allergenic anyway)

Scott Voltage X ATV


Scott 83X Sand/Dust


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I've already searched the internet and found several hypoallergenic goggles, however I'm not sure what the foam is on the one I have and why I am allergic to it (eg, if it's regular foam, originally anti-allergy, etc). Nor do I know if hypoallergenic is what I need or if I should be looking at other stuff I don't know enough to ask about. :-P

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  Gump said:
is there latex in foam and is that what you're allergic to?

I don't think I am allergic to latex. Never had a problem with latex items (latex gloves, or otherwise). But that's a good thought.

I do have seasonal and pet allergies, but the reaction to the frames is specifically where the foam touches skin for 5+ minutes.

The foam on the Oakley goggles looks like 3 layers. The two outer layers look like the same material, a medium gray foam that feels as soft as felt or micro-fleece, while the middle layer is a black and very compressable foam.

I can't tell if the layers are melted or glued together, and while I've never had problems with glue products, sealants, etc, there might be something in whatever they did to bind the layers together or bind it to the frame.

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  buildit said:
If it is just a skin irritation to foam period you might wanna check into a dual sport helmet since it is MX shaped but uses a face shield.

Heres my Shoei Hornet but there are several makers.


How's the air flow? I haven't checked into these types of helmets at all. I love how much air flow goes thru the dirt bike helmet and keeps things cool enough.

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Oakley has a three layer foam system or a double layer depending on the style. The thing is that the Scotss and others have the same style of foam. In fact, the same company probably does them all as the Oakley goggle has a lot of components that are outsourced.

That being said, my question is two fold:

1) What was the reaction that made you think you were allergic? Reason I ask is that a lot of times, you sweat a good deal and if the goggles were dirty and not cleaned regularly, the elements as a result could have created a reaction and it wasn't due to the foam. Or, a lot of people sweat and the sweating while riding in the dirt can clog pores and create a reaction that causes break out on the skin or a reddish rash style result. I am sensitive to such things. Same with my full face helmets...

2) They have different foam layers. Which ones did you use and how old are they?

Watch the Shoei and Arais that have the face shields. Airflow is terrible and tough to get enough air flow for off road riding. Great for when on the street and psych, but as seen in the pic, the guy has goggles on the back. Those would not be suggested for off road riding at all....

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try to find a pair of hypo-allergenic pro grip goggles...pro grip googles are the hands down best googles ive ever worn

what you should do though, is go to iron pony and find a pair of googles that claim to be hypo-allergenic, and wear them just around your head and walk around the dirt section for 5-10mins with them on and see if you have the same reaction

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  tbutera2112 said:
try to find a pair of hypo-allergenic pro grip goggles...pro grip googles are the hands down best googles ive ever worn

what you should do though, is go to iron pony and find a pair of googles that claim to be hypo-allergenic, and wear them just around your head and walk around the dirt section for 5-10mins with them on and see if you have the same reaction

Pro Grip? I'll check them out. Good to know Iron Pony would let me do that.

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  palandor said:
Pro Grip? I'll check them out. Good to know Iron Pony would let me do that.

pro grip goggles are the best goggles ive ever used....sadly though, i dont see hypo-allergenic ones on their website....but yea i would go to pony and just wear a pair for 5-10mins and see if you have a reaction (try a few different brands, and maybe try some hypo-allergenic ones...i think someone mentioned scott making a pair)

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  gen3flygirl said:
is there any chance you could spray something on the foam so that you skin doesn't get irritated? I had a friend with an allergy to nickel so she had to put clear nail polish on all of her pant buttons so that she didn't break out.

Thanks for the suggestion. That is an interesting thought. I've decided I am going to get a new pair of hypo-allergenic goggles, preferably with single-layer foam, but I will keep nail polish in mind.


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  hollywood3586 said:
What if they are just old, i mean if you wear them and are sweating then that goes right into the pads. The bacteria of years of use could irritate the skin. IDK, just trying to be helpful.

this is possible too...did you mean you used them for years and now they irritate you, or you bought them years ago and never used them until now?

if the irritation is all the sudden, i would assume you might just need new ones....its common with people who swim, they have to replace goggles after so long for the same reason, the foam gets old and starts to irritate them

i would try on some pro grips at iron pony and wear them around for 5-10mins and see if you have a reaction....theyre not hypoallergenic, so make sure to wear them around first to be sure

never had a pair of googles i couldnt fog up somehow...when i worked at pony the pro grip rep came through with a pair and told me to do my best to fog them up, and even breathing directly on them, it had no effect....i have junk thor ones right now that ill be replacing with pro grip when i have a few extra bucks laying around

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