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Delaware councilman talking about gun bans. I like this guy!


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Just saw this on the news:


DELAWARE, Ohio -- Understandably, lawmakers in Central Ohio this week are voicing their concerns about personal safety in the wake of Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Gifford being shot during a political gathering in a public place.

But, one local legislator's solution is likely to get other lawmakers and voters, alike, talking. His solution: put more guns in people's hands, not fewer.

Last Saturday's horrific shooting rampage at a Safeway grocery store in Tucson left a nation stunned. Still, it isn't the first time it's happened.

In December, embittered husband Clay Duke stormed into a Panama City School Board meeting with a gun, confronted the board members and fired several shots at them before shooting himself. One of the board members suffered a gunshot wound to his shoulder.

Then, last weekend, the Pima County Sheriff's Office says 22-year-old Jared Loughner walked into the Safeway while Congresswoman Giffords (D-Ariz.) held a public meeting at the store. He walked up to Giffords and shot her, reportedly, "point blank" in her head.

He shot numerous others, fatally wounding six people; including 9-year-old Christina-Taylor Green.

Back in Ohio, one lawmaker is vocalizing his concerns about the same thing happening here.

"Violent crime can happen anywhere. It can happen when you least expect it," Delaware City Councilman Andy Brush said.

This week, he told his fellow Council members that they are "sitting ducks."

One proposed solution is to hire off-duty police officers to watch over meetings.

Councilman Brush, however, says a better solution would be to remove the ban that prohibits guns in city council chambers.

Ohio law allows qualified owners to carry concealed weapons; but, they're not allowed to do so inside of bars, restaurants, schools or government buildings.

Brush says that needs to change.

"Essentially what we would be doing would be allowing the good guys to have the tools to protect themselves," the councilman said.

"When the room's full of irate people and they're constantly coming to microphone and blaming us for some changes, yeah, I do feel like a sitting duck."

Councilwoman Carolyn Riggle says she has more reason to feel like that. She says a constituent threatened her a few years ago.

"Threatening to kill every Republican in Delaware, starting with me," she told ABC6/FOX28 News' Tom Bosco.

"And after watching what happened Saturday on the news, it brought back a lot of memories."

But, she says the solution is not more guns.

Riggle said, "I don't believe that will ever happen. The state has a law and I don't believe it will change and I don't think I want it to change.

"That just invites more guns in."

Nothing formal had been proposed as of Thursday.

The law prohibiting guns in government buildings is a state law. Any effort to change it would likely face a long battle in court.

Posted: Thursday, January 13 2011, 05:05 PM EST

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On the TV interview, they showed him pointing at a "No carry" sticker on the door to city hall, saying this needs to go. The good guys need to be able to protect themselves.

Me and cdub were talking about this tonight. He is worried about his office in town to be the place for a shooting to happen here.

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Me and cdub were talking about this tonight. He is worried about his office in town to be the place for a shooting to happen here.

The only shooting to worry about in Coshocton is someone trying to take someone's guns away from them.

Seriously though, I don't think the no weapon zones are such a good idea anyway, hence my posting of this. Even schools, by adults that are licensed to carry.

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The only shooting to worry about in Coshocton is someone trying to take someone's guns away from them.

Seriously though, I don't think the no weapon zones are such a good idea anyway, hence my posting of this. Even schools, by adults that are licensed to carry.

He works at job and family services. There is alot of tension there at time in the welfare department. There is yelling and screaming at times.

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The only shooting to worry about in Coshocton is someone trying to take someone's guns away from them.

Seriously though, I don't think the no weapon zones are such a good idea anyway, hence my posting of this. Even schools, by adults that are licensed to carry.

Make no sense as to why they ban it to people who are qualified to. I mean why have it if its not good in places like this. Something could happen any their like well I wish I could help but I'm not allowed. Given that no one is just gonna sit back and watch something tragic happen when they could of stepped in.

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So how do you keep someone who is obviously mentally ill from getting a gun? (Another example - the guy who recently shot that lady sheriff with a shotgun.) I'm not anti gun, I want to get the CCW myself.

Edited by mello dude
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So how do you keep someone who is obviously mentally ill from getting a gun? (Another example - the guy who recently shot that sheriff with a shotgun.) I'm not anti gun, I want to get the CCW myself.

Only someone obviously mentally ill themselves would ask such a question...


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You'd be amazed at how many gutless wonders there are in this country. Folks that would stand around while a grown man kicks his 2-year-old child to death on the side of the freeway.

We're becoming a nation of pussies. :nono:

The nation of pussies I can agree with. Hell I'm trying to get my ccw in the next month or so as well. Be packing and ready to help if need be. No one from OR would let something happen if they could help I think at least. Si don't see how you can't step in when someone is literal beating their own kid :nono:. I stand up for people even if it means getting my azz whopped in the process but at least I tried.

Edited by Jst2fst
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One of JRMMiii's post awhile back talked about the gun being the great equalizer. Those people had no defense against the gunman. The gun is the only thing that gave him an advantage.

There is a law against killing (except in self defense) correct? But we still have murderers, yes? So why would a law banning a gun within 1000ft of an elected official change anything? Why do stores that post no gun signs still get robbed? Places that have banned extended mags still have criminals that use them.

Laws are only followed by law abiding citizens. Criminals do not follow the laws, if they did, we wouldn't have jails full of them.

The only 100% fix to gun crime is to uninvent the gun. We all know that isn't possible. The next best step is to train and arm the law abiding citizen. Even if they still refuse to carry a gun, they could still be aware that is is the person that kills, not the gun. Why do so many people live in the fairyland where no gun signs keep a place safe? Because they have not been educated any different. Us that are pro gun should take the opportunity to help educate the public and to show our government that we will not stand by and allow them to make even more stupid laws that do nothing but arm the bad guy even more. And that is EXACTLY what they are doing.

Anyways, Judd, I am really glad to see you have taken such an interest in this and pursuing your CHL.

IP, yes the government is afraid of our guns but yet they have no problem hiring armed guards. I guess that means our lives are inferior to theirs. So much for "All men are created equal"...

Edited by chevysoldier
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The nation of pussies I can agree with. Hell I'm trying to get my ccw in the next month or so as well. Be packing and ready to help if need be. No one from OR would let something happen if they could help I think at least. Si don't see how you can't step in when someone is literal beating their own kid :nono:. I stand up for people even if it means getting my azz whopped in the process but at least I tried.

Word of advice: You'd better be positive the person you help is the victim. First appearances can be deceiving. Good for you on pursuing your CHL though.

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Kennesaw, GA.

(a) In order to provide for the emergency management of the city, and further in order to provide for and protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants, every head of household residing in the city limits is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition therefor.

(b) Exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who suffer a physical or mental disability which would prohibit them from using such a firearm. Further exempt from the effect of this section are those heads of households who are paupers or who conscientiously oppose maintaining firearms as a result of belief or religious doctrine, or persons convicted of a felony.

...and the police have accumulated statistics that they say proves the law has made the town a safer place. Decrease of Crime Registered

In 1981, the year before the ordinance was adopted, Kennesaw recorded 55 house burglaries. The next year there were 26, and in 1985 only 11. Meanwhile, Mr. Stephenson said the city had recorded no deaths or injuries as a result of gun accidents.


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Echoing Chev's comments to The KatanaKid... a concealed weapon is a "master key" for getting the fuck out of Dodge if you need to. It's not a sheriff's badge. Don't go looking for someone to save when you get it. The last thing you'll ever want to do is take someone's life' date=' for any reason. It ain't about that.[/quote']

I'm not saying I'm gonna go and look for a fight. I used bad judgment in my words again. I mean if a situation came to pass that I or friend were in immediate harm I would use only as a deterrent.Believe me taking a life is something that I don't take likely. Use only when deemed necessary tu use force. I don't look for trouble.....

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Ready to move to somewhere warmer? ;)

I've never been against guns, and until a while back I wasn't particularly for them. Over the past several years, I have become more educated on the issues, and now it's time for me to arm myself. It doesn't help hearing all the break-ins in the area, most of which are shops, but you never know what might happen.

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I'd Dead Milkmen Rep you, but I just repped your "pussy" post and they won't let me unleash more. I asked a pizza shop why they had the sign the other day and the guy said that they would be sued if someone came in shooting and there was no sign. :lol::lol: I suggested that perhaps a prohibition on murder might be implied. Just sayin.

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You'd be amazed at how many gutless wonders there are in this country. Folks that would stand around while a grown man kicks his 2-year-old child to death on the side of the freeway.

We're becoming a nation of pussies. :nono:

Yeah, I would never let someone do that, but what about domestic violence? You see this more in public than child abuse. I was at a gas station when a guy grabbed his chick by the throat, picked her up and slammed her to the floor. What do you do? I was outnumbered 6:1 but I still yelled at the guy and told him I was calling the cops. Of course he told me to mind my own business but the prego wife (at the time) was yelling at him as well. So I left and called the cops. (I have a thread about it somewhere on here with more detail)

My mom is a dispatcher in South Florida and she hears of people who get involved in domestic violence that aren't a part of it and they usually get the worst of it.

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So how do you keep someone who is obviously mentally ill from getting a gun?

I would say change the law on selling/purchasing on a personal level. I know it would suck, and it would be hard if family has guns in a house with a crazy in it, but it would stop people from selling to anyone. You have to go out of your way to sell a vehicle by getting it notarized, why not make people go out of the way for a quick background check on a personal sale? Don't hate me, just a suggestion.

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