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Carry options


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So i've been looking into getting a pistol to carry. I will be taking the class hopefully early spring. I went down to the gun shop saturday just to look around and get an idea of whats out there. You can only research so much on the internet. When i was there it was pretty busy so i just looked around. Here' a few im interested in:

Ruger SR9C

Taurus PT111

Ruger P95

Walther PK380

I think i need to see how each feels in my hand but do any of you have any personal pro's or con's about them? Or any other suggestion? I would like to stay under $500. I do know that i want a quality firearm without breaking the bank.

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  oldschoolsdime92 said:
Let me know when you take the class. I would be interested in taking it as well! I know some knock it but check out s&w. I have a sigma 9mm and I love it. If you would be interested in firing it, your more than welcome.

Im taking mine March 26th I believe. My gf gets to go free since I am paying for me so that's why we chose to take it there. I like free, especially when I would've had to pay for a bitch.

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You have a lot of choices for under $500. You can pick up a Ruger P95 for less than $300 right now at Vance's. A S&W Sigma for $279. M&Ps (although actually intended to be used by limp-wristed girly men:D) will go for mid $400s, XDs and Glocks are right there as well. Bad is/was selling his Beretta PX4C for a great price on this forum as well. Go pick up a few and see how they feel. Stick with a major brand as there is some junk out there.

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I have a Ruger P95,,,and I think it's too bulky to carry. I also have the Ruger SR9C and I love to carry it! Not to big and thinner than the P95. Also have an AX sub compact 40 that nice to carry, and a Ruger LCP that fits in my pocket.

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  BiggO said:
I have a Ruger P95,,,and I think it's too bulky to carry. I also have the Ruger SR9C and I love to carry it! Not to big and thinner than the P95. Also have an AX sub compact 40 that nice to carry, and a Ruger LCP that fits in my pocket.

P95 is too bulky. You'll never carry it. I have three in the carry rotation... Glock 19, Walther PPK, and SW 642 revolver.

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  oldschoolsdime92 said:
Let me know when you take the class. I would be interested in taking it as well! I know some knock it but check out s&w. I have a sigma 9mm and I love it. If you would be interested in firing it, your more than welcome.

When i get a date set i will let you know.

I think im leaning more toward the Ruger SR9C or Taurus PT111. Hopefully next time i head down to Old English it wont be so busy and i can take some time and really find what fits. Looking around Vance's web site their prices seem alot better. Once i get the bike out i will probally make a day of shopping in Columbus.

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I suggest a sub compact. I carry a kel-tec p3AT .380. Similar to the LCP its very small = comfortable + easily concealed. I've looked at the SR9c and it seems a little large for summer clothing concealment. On the other hand there have been times when I've carried my xd .45. Not impossible just noticeable.

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  20thGix said:
When i get a date set i will let you know.

I think im leaning more toward the Ruger SR9C or Taurus PT111. Hopefully next time i head down to Old English it wont be so busy and i can take some time and really find what fits. Looking around Vance's web site their prices seem alot better. Once i get the bike out i will probally make a day of shopping in Columbus.

If you're going to Old English you might as well also run down to VRA which isn't far from there. They have a good selection, but prices vary depending on what you are looking for. They also have an array of used back behind the front set of counters, back where the AR's and stuff are.

Target World down toward Cincy just off 75/275 has a large selection also and seem to be regularly running sales and specials on stuff. Last two times there they were running sales on sub-compacts and occasionally have manufacturers in that will let you fire a few rounds from what they bring in to get a better feel before buying.

We've gone by OE when we're looking to pick something up and they've never had the lowest prices in the area when we've been looking. They usually sit about average. They are actually the one place we make regularly checks around at that we haven't bought from since we've always found what we want cheaper from either VRA, Gander, Peabody's or TW.

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Went down to VRA with my brother saturday. The guys down there are real nice and informative. He got out an SR9C and a Taurus PT111 for me to take a look at. After handling the Ruger i definatly did not like the Taurus. He didnt seem to care for them to much either. Then i asked if there was anything else he would suggested in my price range. He showed me the Springlield XD. That and the Ruger felt comfortable. The XD felt alittle top heavy but the salesman said it would balance out better once loaded. So after gettin some hands on i think im going to go with a XD. I think you get more for your money as far as whats included.

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  20thGix said:
Went down to VRA with my brother saturday. The guys down there are real nice and informative. He got out an SR9C and a Taurus PT111 for me to take a look at. After handling the Ruger i definatly did not like the Taurus. He didnt seem to care for them to much either. Then i asked if there was anything else he would suggested in my price range. He showed me the Springlield XD. That and the Ruger felt comfortable. The XD felt alittle top heavy but the salesman said it would balance out better once loaded. So after gettin some hands on i think im going to go with a XD. I think you get more for your money as far as whats included.

The Ruger SR9c or an XD subcompact,,,,,can't go wrong with either one.

Even keep a Ruger LCP in my pocket everyday.

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