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Throwing a Suzuki GSXR-750 off a 15 story building


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i usually don't condone making fun of the choice of bike people ride but seriously, why is over half of the stupid shit I've seen done with a bike a gsxr? Like what attracts dumb people to them and not spread equally over the other 3 main supersports

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that would have been awesome with a shittier bike...

Based on the decent ramp construction, I would assume they planned this for a fair amount of time. You would have thought a throttle-lock, or any reasonable means of making the bike hit the ramp at more than 15mph would have been thought out as well.

basically what I'm saying is "I could've done that way better." :D

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Must be nice to have so much coin, that you can demolish what seemed to be a perfectly good motorcycle for shits & giggles

Kid has shitty aim. Three cars down there and he couldn't hit one of them.


... why is over half of the stupid shit I've seen done with a bike a gsxr? Like what attracts dumb people to them and not spread equally over the other 3 main supersports

Excellent question Turtle

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Based on the decent ramp construction, I would assume they planned this for a fair amount of time. You would have thought a throttle-lock, or any reasonable means of making the bike hit the ramp at more than 15mph would have been thought out as well.

That's what I'm wonderin'. Like somebody else said... Assumption is this was done illegally. I hafta believe cops were called & caught these guys. Big mess down below w/ bike, plus big ramp up top to dispose of. Even if they took off & left the mess & ramp behind... Didn't anybody question why they were building it up there to begin with? I can't imagine they were able to transport it up there pre-built. People below could have been seriously injured, or those cars destroyed. And if they did flee, they're just gonna get caught now by posting it viral on the web :dunno:

All those items above keep me wondering if this was some kind of stunt for a movie? Maybe this was the pre-stunt to see if it'd work

I'm kinda surprised the bike had enough speed to clear the street below. Didn't look like it was going that fast up the ramp

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I'm kinda surprised the bike had enough speed to clear the street below. Didn't look like it was going that fast up the ramp

I was concerned about that too, but it didn't have all that far to go.

estimate 10 feet of sidewalk on each side (generous, I think), and then 12 feet per lane on the road.

you're talking 44 feet. Let's round to 50 feet. even at 15mph, the bike's moving forward at 22 feet per second.

so it only needs 2.x seconds of hang-time to clear the sidewalk and street. If it's doing more than 15mph, it needs even less time.

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is there a law against riding off a building?"

In case you're not being sarcastic... Public endangerment for starters. Plus I'm assuming there would need to be some type of permit attained before doing this, along with some type of LEO/EMT presence

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Plus I'm assuming there would need to be some type of permit attained before doing this

thats big government for ya. always trying to make a buck while taking away more of our freedoms.

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is there a law against riding off a building?"

hahahaha - i'm sure they could find a laundry list of charges.

Criminal mischief (whatever that means), failure to control a motor vehicle (although it appears that it took off and landed on private property. hmmm..), reckless endangerment, improper display of plates, driving w/o insurance, reckless operation, etc.

Again, any traffic offense could be argued against the point that none of it really appeared to happen on public roads, but if properly motivated, there could be a significant list of charges; as well as civil claims from the building owner, and the parking lot owner.

do we know where this took place? Seemed like a pretty run-down city to be that empty during daylight hours (not that a Clevelander should make such an observation...).

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hahahaha - i'm sure they could find a laundry list of charges.

Criminal mischief (whatever that means), failure to control a motor vehicle (although it appears that it took off and landed on private property. hmmm..), reckless endangerment, improper display of plates, driving w/o insurance, reckless operation, etc.

so basically, there isnt but they'd make something up. :D

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