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It's uh............ magically delicious?


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Long renowned for pioneering extreme sports such as bungee-jumping and heli-skiing, New Zealanders are now pushing culinary boundaries by serving up shots of horse semen to iron-stomached food lovers.


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I have always thought it funny, what people consider bad taste in foods. After all caviar is fish eggs, eggs are unborn chickens, and hot dogs are still a great unknown! :lol: So in the way of a scientist, I guess Horse cum is health enough and a life supporting substance just like tofu, even if I don't eat either. I have eaten, cow brain (sweat breads), ostrich, alligator, snake, s-cargo, cow tung, chocolate grasshopper and a lot of other insects that land in my teeth as I've gone down the road.:D

What is SO gross you wouldn't eat it even if you were starving? I can only come up with several things outside of cannibalism. Horse Shoe crab is one item I'd never eat, wanna know why?;) It's in their blood.:p

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I don't get it, blue blood?

And why is it blue? A hint would be our blood is red because of Iron in our hemoglobin.:rolleyes: Have to admit there are a lot of products produced from Horse Shoe crabs.

PS I love pickled dear heart! That's good eating.

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