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Are they digging up your yard? I've never seen must get rid of fish classified. Bowl getting full? What's the story here?

I've got a 29 gallon tank, and the parents eat them if they stay in there too long. Angelfish are kinda territorial, so I put them in a separate 8 gallon tank, but there's soooo many of them.

Are they any good to eat????


probably, but they're tiny...probably not worth the effort. ;)

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Its sickening that people don't get their pets spayed or neutered and then end up with 30+ fish they don't accept responsibility for and can't take care of.

It's disgusting.

I thought that I bought 2 female fish :(

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You could always let your other angels eat them if no one will take them. If I had a good tank for them I'd grab some but I don't think they would get along with my tiger barbs.

:-/ noooo, probably wouldn't get along with each other.

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Would they make good bait?

hmm... i dont think their bodies would be thick enough to stay on the hook, so i'm going with no. Plus, the point of this thread was to SAVE the angelfish!! So nobody wants any angelfishes???

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hmm... i dont think their bodies would be thick enough to stay on the hook, so i'm going with no. Plus, the point of this thread was to SAVE the angelfish!! So nobody wants any angelfishes???

If you want to, check out http://www.fishlore.com/fishforum/

It's a pretty good forum with lots of information if your interested and I'd bet there are people that would take some of the angelfish. Also, have you tried selling/donated them to a fish store?

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Are they hard to raise? I'm pretty good at killing goldfish and betas.

Well, they are less maintenance than goldfish because goldfish are about twice as 'dirty' as other fish, in that you need to have 2 gallons of water/inch of fish, or change the water more often. I've never had any luck with betas. I could give you a couple and you could find out :) Do you have a tank set up already?

If you want to, check out http://www.fishlore.com/fishforum/

It's a pretty good forum with lots of information if your interested and I'd bet there are people that would take some of the angelfish. Also, have you tried selling/donated them to a fish store?

Thanks! :) I have not tried the fish store method... I didn't think the fish places would take them?

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Thanks! :) I have not tried the fish store method... I didn't think the fish places would take them?

I personally have never done it but I have read about people doing it on that link I posted earlier.

There is a woman on that site that does a lot with angelfish. She takes some really neat photos and I thought I'd post one up for you. Amazing the size difference.


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That's talent. I had 1 beta since I've had fish and the thing kept running into the wall... maybe it was blind? idk.

hahaha, they live to fight. It probably saw it's own reflection and attacked.

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