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another sobering fact to go along with casper's.

kawi kid

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"Red ink for February is more than the deficit the government posted for the entire 2007 fiscal year, showing how far the nation has come in just a few short years, eclipsing earlier forecasts."

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Who would've thought you actually had to pay for a few wars and bailing out the Wall Street fatcats? :dunno: You know, those top 2% of Americans who we can't let tax cuts expire for because they create sooo many jobs. I can't even spit without hitting someone grateful for their opportunity to work for AIG. :bow:

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I like my tax cut - don't take it away.

I create 3 jobs, for the Russians that clean my house. Take away my tax cut and they're out of a cleaning gig, and I'm learning how to vacuum/dust.

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tax cut? Its not enough. Drag that fatcats to the streets in small town suburbia and give people stones and rocks. I hate the fact that those bastards stole millions and then when prosecuted they are sitting in federal prisons and guess what you and I are paying for their asses some more.

I claim BS on this one! Send their old asses to a maximum security prison. I would rather pay bubba to make those F'ers his bitch! Then go in every morning and ask them, "was it worth it now ahole" "oh wait that is probably a sore subject"?

I dont condem a fellow man for being honest, but a theif is a different story! Burn'em at the stake.

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I like my tax cut - don't take it away.

I create 3 jobs, for the Russians that clean my house. Take away my tax cut and they're out of a cleaning gig, and I'm learning how to vacuum/dust.

Thankfully, no one wants to take away your tax cut, so you're safe.

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tax cut? Its not enough. Drag that fatcats to the streets in small town suburbia and give people stones and rocks. I hate the fact that those bastards stole millions and then when prosecuted they are sitting in federal prisons and guess what you and I are paying for their asses some more.

I claim BS on this one! Send their old asses to a maximum security prison. I would rather pay bubba to make those F'ers his bitch! Then go in every morning and ask them, "was it worth it now ahole" "oh wait that is probably a sore subject"?

I dont condem a fellow man for being honest, but a theif is a different story! Burn'em at the stake.

Not us,we put 'em in the governor's mansion.

Sorry,I forgot,our governor mansion isn't good enough for our wall street thief.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This is more sobering than anything else posted in this thread...

CEO Pay Up, Average Worker Not so Much

The CEO works for the Stockholders, they determine his worth and pay...as it should be. Worker pay is determined by the market, and ultimately the choices of the CEO/Stockholders. If they pay too much, the company fails and everyone loses. If they pay too little, same thing. So, it appears that CEO's succeeding in guiding companies through the market are paying what the market is bearing or there would be a decrease in the CEO pay.

Perhaps if we had a "Pay Czar" to redistribute all this it would work out better, eh Che?

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So you really believe that ONE guy is worth 47,000 times what he pays his lowest staff member?

You think that ONE hedge fund manager contributes to society more than 5000 teachers? Society and "the market" pays the same for both so they must be equivalent, right?

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. If they pay too much, the company fails and everyone loses. If they pay too little, same thing. So, it appears that CEO's succeeding in guiding companies through the market are paying what the market is bearing or there would be a decrease in the CEO pay.

so explain how a CEO that runs a company into the ground still gets a 10M BONUS :confused:

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So you really believe that ONE guy is worth 47,000 times what he pays his lowest staff member?

You think that ONE hedge fund manager contributes to society more than 5000 teachers? Society and "the market" pays the same for both so they must be equivalent, right?

Peter Drucker thought the current CEO level salaries were an abomination, & predicted years ago we'd end up right where we are

IIRC... He felt CEO's shouldn't be making any more than 20x what their rank & file were

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"Red ink for February is more than the deficit the government posted for the entire 2007 fiscal year, showing how far the nation has come in just a few short years, eclipsing earlier forecasts."

I've been saying this for awhile now... Check out "I.O.U.S.A"!

David Walker's the former Comptroller General of the U.S, & he said during interviews for this movie back in 2008, that social security has been masking how bad the deficit is for years... And now that SS has reached critical mass & can no longer be "borrowed" against to conceal the true deficit... We'd finally get to see just how bad things truly are this coming decade. The numbers/charts/graphs he presented were staggering

I think what he was prophesying is beginning to come true

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