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It has been a long time....


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It has been a long time since I've been on here... been crazy busy.

Here is what I've been up to in the garage though.

1975 XT500....with a billion and a half changes....




Close up of the motor....(later decided to blast the cylinder instead of having it painted, as you can see in the pic above


1995 CBR 900rr, with a blackbird 1137cc motor fitted inside...


And my ratbike....zx600



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Hey thanks guys!

I'm in love with the XT, the bike has been a FUN build.... just put a 10-1 HC piston in it.... hopefully will have it done in April.

And yeah the blackbird motor....whooooobuddy the bike should be a killa and thrilla!

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How much $$ you got wrapped up in that XT?

Are you doin' the "Econo/Chop Challenge" on here? If not... You should look into it

Uhm...... let me think.....roughly.... 800bucks? Which is preetttyyy low price, but that comes from stealing parts from other bikes of mine/the bike build pile lol.

And no I haven't heard of the challenge... but I do have my bikes entered in a build off contest...

Love the bikes! I have a weird thing for bikes that look like shit.

EHHHEMMMMmmmm exuse me? My bikes look like shit? The ratbike does, YES... but that one is supposed to hahaha.

The XT500 is foookin TITS... and the RX11 with a SSSA will be the first of its kind.

I loveth my bikes.... I just want them done! ARGH!...(currently looking at getting a TL1000s cause I NEED to ride!)

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EHHHEMMMMmmmm exuse me? My bikes look like shit? The ratbike does, YES... but that one is supposed to hahaha.

The XT500 is foookin TITS... and the RX11 with a SSSA will be the first of its kind.

I loveth my bikes.... I just want them done! ARGH!...(currently looking at getting a TL1000s cause I NEED to ride!)

Trust me I have no room to talk. My coolant overflow is a NAS energy drink bottle that is zip tied to the frame with the words "Turbo Bewst!!!!!!!!!!" sharpied on it.

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